
How does armor contribute in warfare?

It provides protection.


How does medieval and modern strategy differ?

Debatable, you can classify certain medieval methods as attrition, exhaustion, and annihalation when these can be considered as modern concepts.


What is the role of transportation?

It's how everything moves around. Supplies, messages, people, etc.

Knowing how your transportation works and the enemy's transportation works can help in strategy.

What is shock and projectile warfare?

Shock warfare is with close range engagements and projectile warfare is longer range engagements.

A knight will specialize in shock warfare and an archer will specialize in projectile warfare.


Why might using medieval tactics and technology be bad in modern times?

Our technology has proven to be a very effective counter to medieval tactics and armor.


What can good communication do?

It provides clear instructions, eliminates misunderstandings, can help organize tasks, keeps everything running smoothly.


How do modern and medieval ranged weapons differ?

Medieval ranged weapons was a kind of support for the common infantry providing pressure on the enemy from a range.

Modern ranged weapons is what the military is focused on.


What is the difference between strategy and tactics?

Strategy is the way you engage the situation.

Tactics is the different methods.


How did people communicate in the middle ages?

Pretty much just word of mouth or letters.

Basic encryption and codes were used.


What's a better stealth weapon? 

Medieval weapons or modern weapons?

Modern in most cases. The range and accuracy modern weapons give triumph over the few advantages medieval weapons do.


What is the 3 main ideas of strategy and what do they mean? 

(Taught at West Point)

Attrition: Tire the enemy's military forces.

Exhaution: Tire the enemy's political will.

Annihalation: Destroy the opposing force.


How has modern communication changed in comparison to medieval communication?

Faster, more reliable, more secrecy, etc.

Better means of encryption.


What did medieval soldiers wear as armor?

First they would have a shield, next head protection (metal helmets, leather or padded coif, chain mail hood), then body armor in the form of padded cloth.

(Leather armor is a big misconception and wasn't used often.)


Why might the modern method of rushing into a room with ranged weapons be bad in medieval times with medieval technology?

Medieval ranged weapons might not get through some armor or shields which could just alert the enemy.

Some weapons only fired at 1 minute intervals or so.
