The four major plant types in alphabetical order.
What are: Angiosperms, Bryophytes, Gymnosperms, and Pteridophytes?
These cells were easier to find under the microscope for these two reasons.
What are plant cells because they are larger and more packed together?
Connect the dots utilized this coding software.
What is NetLogo?
Each group has this titled plant being grown under specific conditions to be able to compare their experimental plant to.
What is a control?
Two independent variables adjustable in the online photosynthesis lab.
What are light color, wattage, and/or distance?
The most common and diverse type of plant.
What are angiosperms?
Four things that everyone looked at under a microscope.
What are salt, sugar, onion, and cheek cells?
The reason that bracelets can be used to represent the bead project work.
What is that the bead sequences generally looped around and repeated.
The plant-type categorization of the Wisconsin Fast Plants.
What is angiosperm?
This is the part of the seed that will become the root of the plant.
What is the radicle?
The main scientific skill used in this project.
What is doing literature-based research?
Microscopes help us see these tiny parts of all living things.
What are cells?
The main mathematical goal of these projects.
What is forming and testing conjectures?
Our main goal of the fast plant project.
What is testing an experiment?
The part of a seed or bean that connected to the plant before it detached.
What is the hilum?
Some things, like these two examples, are often confused as plants.
What are fungi and algae?
Plant cells and animal cells compare in these way for their shape and their size.
What are: plant cells are larger than animal cells and animal cells are more circular than plant cells.
Two possible next steps if evidence proves a conjecture or wrong.
Height is an example of this type of scientific variable.
What is a dependent variable?
This property of soil was studied in the “soil as a sponge” lab.
What is “water absorption”?
The meaning of the suffixes -sperms and -phytes.
The only visible organelles within a cell that we could see are these two things.
The first two steps of the mathematical research model.
What are questioning and example generating?
To make our experiment, we first needed to draft these four important parts of a research proposal.
What were a hypothesis, an independent variable, a dependent variable, and a materials list?
The reproductive process detailed in your packets is for this plant type.
What are angiosperms?