The elastic, bony cage that serves as a protective framework for the heart, lungs, and other internal organs
What is the thorax?
Unit that measures the force that pushes electric current forward through a conductor
What is a volt?
Antibacterial and reduces acne
What are the benefits of blue led?
Large blister containing watery fluid
What is a bulla?
Nucleus, membrane, cytoplasm
What are the principal parts of the cell?
What part of the body are common carotid arteries the main source of blood for
Negative or positive pole of an electric current
What is polarity?
Light emitting diode
What does LED stand for?
Small elevation on the skin not containing fluid
What is a papule?
Submicroscopic particle that infects and resides in the cells of a biological organism replicate by taking over host cells reproductive function
What is a virus and how do they replicate?
Vascular/cardiovascular system
What is another name for the circulatory system?
Rapid and interrupted current, flowing in one direction then the opposite
What is an alternating current?
Light Amplification Stimulation Emission of Radiation
What does LASER stand for?
Stratum germinativum
Mitosis occurs in what layer of the skin?
Organisms that feed, grow and shelter inside or on another organism while contributing nothing to the survival of that organism
What are parasites?
To protect the body from extreme heat and cold
Why is it important for the blood to equalize the body’s temperature?
Unit that measures how much energy is being used one 1 second
What is a watt?
Increases collagen and circulation, and wound healing
What are the benefits of red LED?
Sensation, protection, heat regulation, excretion, absorption, and secretion
What are the functions of the skin?
Complex proteins produced by living cells that act as catalysts in specific chemical reactions in the body
What are enzymes?
Near eyebrows, draws the eyebrows down and wrinkles forehead vertically
Where is the corrugator muscle located and what does it do?
Infuses an acidic/positive product into deeper tissues, using galvanic current, from positive towards negative pole
What is cataphoresis?
Calming, reduces redness and hyperpigmentation
What are the benefits of green LED?
Visible capillaries that have been damaged and are larger
What are telangiectasias?
What group of macronutrients is used as energy and helps produce the materials in the sebaceous glands that lubricate the skin?