Good Interview
Bad Interview
General Exit Interview Questions

In what ways did the interviewer put the interviewee at ease in the good example?

-Ensured it was private

-valued what hanna had to say (did not react negatively to feedback)

-paid attention & showed empathy

-Wished her well


Was there any part of the interview that the HR manager handled correctly?


-Unorganized, rude, inattentive, etc


Why is it important for the questions in an exit interview to be standardized?

-ensures you are gathering the same information from each employee

-creates a consistent experience for each employee


What should the company do moving forward? Do you think there was any way that they could convince the employee to stay with the company?

-Use feedback to improve.. (communication, work environment, opportunities for growth)

-Asked if efforts towards these improvements would lead to a change in decision


Did Hanna handle the bad exit interview well or was she also wrong in her actions & attitude?

-Handled it well as she could have

-Tried giving feedback and did not answer rudely back


Why should the interviewer make sure the interview is private and that the interviewee knows?

-Ensures that any sensitive information does not go to the wrong people

-only aggregate results will be used to help the organization better understand why employees leave

-An employee will likely answer more truthfully


Did the interviewer seem ready for the interviews? Did it seem like she read the employee’s file beforehand?


-Knew her by name, was well organized, knew she had done great work for the company


What laws did the HR manager violate?

-Title VII

-Privacy protections?


When should a good exit interview process begin?

The best exit interview process starts well before the employee’s last day. An ongoing pattern of communication and trust throughout the employment relationship will greatly increase the likelihood that a departing employee will give forthright and thoughtful information about why they are leaving.
