This is what we call an educated guess that scientists make before doing an experiment
What is a hypothesis?
In this section of your resume, you would list your major
What is education?
This skull bone creates your forehead
What is the frontal bone?
The creator of the EXITO program
Who is Dean Crespo?
The head is [this directional term] to the feet.
What is superior?
The title of the person who leads a research project
What is a principal investigator?
The ONE thing you should NEVER do with your resume.
What is use a template?
This bone is the largest bone in your body and a part of your lower extremity
What is the femur?
For your first summer research experience, this is the total number of weeks that you will be participating.
What is 8 weeks?
The arms move [this directional term] when doing jumping jacks
What is lateral?
What is medial?
After forming the hypothesis, this step is next during the scientific method
What is conduct an experiment?
Viviana has repeated this phrase during her time with you. It is what she wants you to consider first when building your resume.
What is thinking about your target audience?
This is the total stipend that you'll receive in the first summer of the program
What is $2,500?
This movement involves bringing your arm or leg towards the midline of your body
What is adduction?
When researchers give one group real medicine and another group fake medicine, the fake medicine is called ____.
What is a placebo?
A short introduction you give to someone about yourself, often used in networking
What is elevator pitch?
Who is the research mentor?
This type of movement occurs at the ankle when performing a heel raise.
Dr. Hall and Ms. V shared career paths that you can take in research. Name 3 different settings where research is performed
What is academic research?
What is community health research?
What is public health research?
What is corporate/pharmaceutical research?
Next year, you will find yourself presenting at this event.
What is the Undergraduate Research Forum or URF?