No other....
What instructions did God give the people about Passover?
They were to sacrifice a lamb and mark their doorposts with its blood
How did Moses part the Red Sea?
He stretched out his staff, and God caused the sea to divide.
Why was Mount Sinai important?
It was where God gave Moses the 10 commandments
What did God provide when the people complained about being hungry?
Quail and manna
Father and mother
What kind of bread was used for Passover
Unleavened Bread
What did Moses say to the people before parting the Red Sea?
The Lord will fight for you
Who fought against the Israelites in Exodus 17?
The Amalekites
What specific instructions were given concerning gathering food?
Gather only enough for each day, except before the Sabbath when they gathered double.
Remember the _______________.....
How often was the Passover celebrated?
How does the Bible describe the Red Sea as it was parted?
How was Israel able to defeat their enemies in Exodus 17?
As long as Moses held up his hands, Israel prevailed
Why was the Sabbath day important to the Jews?
It was a day of worship and rest based on the 7th day where God rested.
Thou shalt not ------ thy neighbors possessions
What names were given to the places where the people begged for water?
Massah and Meribah
Who helped hold up the arms of Moses in Exodus 17?
Aaron and Hur
Answers could include: Introducing the people to the Law of Moses, to Provide moral and spiritual guidance.
What happened when some disobeyed God concerning food collection? .
The food rotted and smelled bad
Thou shalt not commit....
Why is the passover significant?
Why was the parting of the Red Sea important?
It demonstrated the power of God and his ability to save his people
Why was Moses' leadership important?
He was able to guide Israel out of Egypt and he received the laws of God.
How did God test the obedience of the Israelites through food collection?
By commanding them to gather only a set amount and rest on the Sabbath