3 months after the Israelites left Egypt, they had entered what desert?
What does consecrate mean?
To set apart
Where was Israel camped in the desert?
front of the mountain
Who was the class president of Hamilton High School?
I'm the first book of the bible?
What did the LORD appear to Moses as?
A dense cloud
Daily Double:
What were the Israelites to be?
A kingdom of priests, a holy nation
How did God carry Israel?
carried them on eagles’ wings
How often did Milton hold meetings?
Who adopted Moses when he was a baby?
Pharaoh's daughter
Daily Double:
Complete this Scripture:
Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, ____________________________________________
then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession
What form had God appeared to Moses in Midian as?
Burning bush
How would whoever touched the mountain be put to death?
They are to be stoned or shot with arrows; not a hand is to be laid on them. No person or animal shall be permitted to live.
Who helped Milton with concerns of the student body?
grade ambassadors
I'm the first book of the new testiment?
Where did God bring the Israelites out of?
What was the elder's response to God's covenant?
“We will do everything the Lord has said.”
What signifies that the Israelites could approach the mountain?
A long blast from a ram's horn
Who did Milton work with in the school to address the student body's concerns?
the principal, teachers, librarians, and other leaders in the school
How Many plagues did God send?
10 plagues
What were the people not to do with the mountain?
Touch the foot of it
Where had God appeared to Moses before?
What was the punishment for touching the mountain?
What was the concern of the student body?
The food had gone downhill with terrible selections and no cultural variety.
Daily Double:
Name at least one of the 10 plagues.