The first and greatest commandment is???
What is love the Lord your God - Matthew 22
In Exodus 17 what did Moses strike in order for water to be brought forth?
What is a rock, or stone
True or false:
"The law is our salvation"
And God spoke all these words, saying: "I am the ____ your God,
What is, Lord - Exodus 20:2
How many days should the Israelites labor?
What is six days
True or False:
"The Israelites were able to come to the top of Mt. Sinai with Moses before God."
True or false
"Levitical law is not very harsh when it comes to the use of the Lord's name as profanity"
What is false
"You shall not make for yourself a ______ image-- any likeness od anything that is in heaven above
What is, carved - Exodus 20:4
What is the second commandment?
What is Exodus 20:4 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;
Who leads Israel after Moses dies?
Who is Joshua
What does Exodus 20 verse eight tell us we should honor?
What is the sabbath
Remember the sabbath day, __ ____ ____
What is, "to keep it holy" - Exodus 20:8
What reasoning for remembering the Sabbath does God give in chapter twenty of Exodus?
What is "to keep it holy"
True or False:
"Miriam has an epic timbrel solo & feature verse at the end of Moses' song in Exodus 15."
True - Exodus 15:20-21
True or false:
"The only way we can take the Lord's name in vain is with our lips."
What is false.
We may profane the name of the Lord by misrepresenting His church.
The ninth commandment:
"You shall not bear _____ _______ against your neighbor"
What is, false witness - Exodus 20:16
True or false:
The "Code of Hammurabi," is another name of the ten commandments used in a different civilization
What is false.
Which Pharaoh was king in Egypt through the events of the book of Exodus?
Who is Ramses II
What land is referred to as "The house of bondage," in the beginning of Exodus chapter 20?
What is Egypt
Exodus 21 - Laws concerning violence
But if a man acts with _____________ against his neighbor, to kill him by treachery...
What is, premeditation - Exodus 21:14