How many books are in the Old Testament?
True or False: It was mandatory for everyone to give something to help build the tabernacle. Explain
False , it was a request of offering from the people of Isreal. An offering is an act of gratitude to God.
(Today we are not forced to give but because we are grateful to God we give joyfully.)
Who were chosen to be the Priest of Isreal?
Aaron and his sons.
Why is it important to study Leviticus?
Name 1 of 3 major reasons.
- All Jewish males during Jesus' time had to memorize the Torah (Pentateuch) memorized.
- It clarifies why Jesus had to die for our sins.
Who were allowed to enter the Holy Place in the Tabernacle and only who was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies?
Priest & High Priest
Name 3 items other than Gold , Silver & Bronze used as offerings.
Threads of colors (blue, purple and scarlet) , Goats hair and acacia wood.
What were on all 4 corners of the altar and what did pouring blood over it represent?
Horns , there is strength / power in the blood (of Jesus Christ)
What type of offerings were there?
Grain , Peace , Sin , Trespass and Burnt offerings.
Name the 5 Priest
Aaron , Nadab , Abihu , Eleazar , Ithamar
What are the first 5 books of the bible called?
How did the Israelites get these items?
(+300 points where does it mention this?)
They got it from Egypt when they left.
(Exodus 11:2)
What is sanctification & consecration?
the process of declaring and setting something apart as sacred/holy
What is the hebrew word and meaning of "Leviticus"?
Vayikra - "And He Called"
What is the Hebrew word for "Priest"?
What were their roles?
To minister the Presence of YHWH through sacrifices , rituals and to help the people of Isreal to obtain atonement for their sins.
How many years in total did Jacob work in order to marry Rachel?
14 years
What are the 3 items that went inside the Tabernacle?
These were the first instructions given to Moses , why?
Ark of the Covenant , Table of Bread , The Lamp Stand.
This shows that God cares more about working from the inside out with each of us rather than looking from the outside in.
God appointed 2 skilled Craftsmen to construct the Tabernacle. who were they?
During the Mention of 2 men.. this is the first mention thus far of someone being _____ ?
Bezalel and Oholiab
Filled with the Holy Spirit.
Why was the Law necessary?
+300 bonus points: What subject is a key theme of Leviticus and what does it help us understand?
YHWH is a God of order so the Law was necessary to establish order in Israel.
What did Nadab and Abihu do that was wrong?
What happened to them because of this?
They used fire for incense that was from another source other than commanded by God.
They died.
(showed how serious God is about the Law and his commandments)
God created these 2 animals on the 5th day of creation. What are the animals and what were they created from?
Birds and Fish , The Waters
What did the altar represent? Give details.
Meaning , what it meant then and how it correlates to us now.
Hebrew meaning of Altar is "Killing place" .
It showed the Israelites that the first step for a sinful man to approach a holy God was to be cleansed by the blood of an innocent creature.
This is why we can approach God as Jesus took the place of sacrifice.
Tell me the Hebrew words and meanings for the following words:
Sabbath - X2
Bonus points +500 (Moses went down the mountain and found the Israelites worshiping the golden calf. What Egyptian God did that represent?
Shabbat - to stop working
Nuakh - to dwell or settle in
Kavod - weight(y)
What is the Hebrew word for Atonement and what does it mean?
Kippur : to repay a debt and to purify.
In contrast what does priesthood mean for us today?
Bonus +300 points: What is our continued purpose in this calling?
As Christians we are all apart of a royal priesthood.