Water (the Nile) turned to blood.
What was the first plague God sent upon Egypt?
A basket made of papyrus.
What type of basket was Moses placed in?
A burning bush
What did God use to talk to Moses in Midian?
Mount Sinai.
On which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
How many years did the Hebrews wander in the wilderness?
How many plagues did God send upon Egypt?
Pharaoh's daughter.
Who found and adopted the baby Moses?
The Red Sea.
What did God do allowing the Hebrews to escape Pharaoh's army?
You shall have no other gods before me.
What is the first commandment?
What did the Hebrews worship while Moses was on Mount Sinai with God?
The plague of locusts (eighth plague).
What was the 8th plague?
After which plague did Pharaoh first suggest allowing only the men to leave Egypt to worship God?
What occupation did Moses have while living in Midian?
What food did God provide in the wilderness for the Hebrews to eat?
The fifth commandment.
Which commandment instructs people to honor their parents?
What meat did God provide for the Hebrews to eat?
The fifth plague.
Which plague was directly linked to the death of Egypt's livestock?
What was the name of Moses' wife?
Water from the rock.
What miracle occurred when Moses struck a rock at Horeb?
The tenth commandment.
Which commandment forbids coveting?
To appoint capable men as leaders to help judge smaller cases.
What did Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, advise him to do about judging the people?
The death of the firstborn.
What was the 10th plague?
After which plague did Pharaoh let the Hebrews go?
What was the name of Moses' older sister?
A pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
How did God guide the Israelites through the wilderness by day and by night?
The second commandment.
Which commandment prohibits making idols?
He held up his hands with the help of Aaron and Hur, and when his hands were raised, Israel prevailed.
What did Moses do when the Amalekites attacked the Israelites to ensure their victory?