What did Moses float down the river in as a baby?
A basket
True or false: Christ is referred to as the sacrificial lamb because like the lamb, Christ is without spot and without blemish and its life is sacrificed for the sake of the people.
What did the Israelites make Aaron create out of gold for them when Moses was on the mountain?
A golden calf
True or false: Exodus is the second book of the Bible?
What is the meaning of the name Moses?
To be pulled out of Water
What is the passover?
The Angel of Death passes over the doors with the blood of the lamb on it
What was the final sign given to Pharaoh that led him to let the Israelites go?
His first born son died
What does the word Exodus mean?
A mass departure of people
What was the first of the 10 plagues?
Water to blood
How old was Moses when he began his mission to free the Israelites?
In the passage of the Burning Bush, what does the Lord tell Moses to do?
Take off his sandals
How many Israelites fled Egypt?
Which tribe of Israel did Moses descend from?
The Tribe of Levi
Name the place where Jesus walked on water?
Sea of Galilee
What was Moses' weakness?
He had a stutter
True or false: St Gregory of Nyssa likens the plague of frogs to sin in that just like frogs can live in water and land, sin can appear to us as good and bad.
How many books cover the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt?
How many years were the Israelites enslaved in Egypt?
430 years
What is the first commandment?
You shall have no other Gods before me
How many years was Moses' life divided into?
40 x 40 x 40
What do Moses' sandals symbolise according to St Gregory of Nyssa?
Anything related to sin and death
Why did God make the Israelites keep the tradition of making unleavened bread every year?
To serve as a reminder
True or False: The Israelites spent 49 years in the wilderness before they reached the Promised Land
False; 40 years
Name the 3 things the devil tempted Jesus with in the wilderness?
1. Change stone to bread
2. Fall down and the angels will catch you
3. Worship me and I'll give you all kingdoms