What did Moses scatter to cause the boils to break out throughout the land of Egypt?
ashes (Exodus 9:8)
Then the Lord said to Moses "______ _____ your hand over the land of Egypt for the locusts" Exodus 10:12
Stretch out
"And the Lord said to Moses, I will bring ____ more plague on Pharaoh and on Egypt" Exodus 11:1
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
a. one
Say the 1st and 3rd plague
1. water to blood
3. lice
What three plagues occurred in this chapter?
livestock disease, boils, hail
What plagues were mentioned in this chapter?
locusts and darkness
What plagues were mentioned in this chapter?
death of the first born
Say the 2nd and 5th plague
2. frogs
5. disease on livestock
Who could not stand before Moses because of the boils?
the magicians (Exodus 9:11)
FALSE, only the Egyptians (Exodus 10:23)
What emotion did Moses feel after delivering the warning of the final plague?
anger (Exodus 11:8)
Say the 4th and 8th plague
4. flies
8. locusts
God said to Pharaoh, "But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My __________ in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth." Exodus 9:16
What was the 9th plague and how long did it last?
darkness; 3 days (Exodus 10:22)
During this plague, there was a great _____ throughout the land of Egypt like never before
cry (Exodus 11:6)
Say the 6th and 9th plague
6. boils
9. darkness
How did the plague of hail begin?
God told Moses to stretch out his hand toward heaven (Exodus 9:22)
"The Lord brought out an ____ wind on the land all that day and all that night" Exodus 10:13... "And the Lord turned a very strong _____ wing, which took the locusts away." Exodus 10:19
east; west
This is the time of day that God would pass through Egypt to strike the firstborn
midnight (Exodus 11:4)
Say the 7th and 10th plague
7. hail
10. death of first born