The Birth and Calling of Moses
(Exodus 1-4)
The Ten Plagues
(Exodus 5-12)
From the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai
(Exodus 13-31)
The Golden Calf and the New Tablets
(Exodus 32-40)
Exodus Randomness
This mean group of people enslaved the Israelites and forced them to make bricks, mix mortar, and labor in their fields
Who are the Egyptians?
The first plague to strike Pharaoh that affected Egypt's main water supply
What is the plague of blood?
When the Egyptians pursued the Israelites to the shore of the Red Sea, this settled between the two groups at night as a way of protecting the Israelites
What is a pillar of fire?
God became angry with the Israelites when they formed and worshiped the golden calf; Moses pleaded with God to remember the covenant made to these three patriarchs and spare the people
Who are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
These are the people groups who were inhabiting the land that God promised to give the Israelites after their deliverance from the Egyptians, a "land flowing with milk and honey"
Who are the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites?
These two midwives refused to listen to Pharaoh because they feared God, sparing the lives of many Hebrew baby boys whom Pharaoh wanted dead
Who are Shiphrah and Puah?
This was the only plague to directly affect the physical bodies of the Egyptians, their skin in particular
What is the plague of boils?
This character sang a song on the other side of the Red Sea to celebrate Israel's freedom; she also happened to be Moses's sister
Who is Miriam?
Moses threw these on the ground when he saw the golden calf and the Israelites worshiping it, which were inscribed with the terms of the covenant
What are two stone tablets?
One of the laws for Israel says that if someone hits a slave in the eye and that slave is blinded, the slave must be set free; the same result occurs if someone knocks this out of a slave's mouth
What is a tooth?
This adopted character's name was given to him by Pharaoh's daughter, because she "lifted him out of the water"
Who is Moses?
These three types of insects swarmed the Egyptians at different times, becoming the third, fourth, and eighth plagues
What are gnats, flies, and locusts?
This is the first of the ten commandments given to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai
What is "You shall have no other gods before me"?
These are what Aaron collected, melted down, and molded into the shape of a calf that the Israelites worshiped
What are gold rings?
The number of annual festivals the Lord instructs Israel to observe, all of which surround Israel's freedom from Egypt and harvest times
What is three?
The land where Moses fled to after murdering an Egyptian slave driver, and where he met his wife Zipporah and became a shepherd
What is Midian?
This plague proved Yahweh's great strength over Ra, the Egyptian god of the sun
What is the plague of darkness?
The tenth commandment addresses the topic of coveting and what should not be coveted: your neighbor's house, wife, servants, ox, or...this animal
What is a donkey?
God instructs Moses that the people are not to cook young goats in this
What is the mother's milk?

_______________ was considered the most sacred item in the Tabernacle, which was the portable sanctuary used by the Israelites during their wanderings in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt.

What is the Ark of Covenant?

The number of times Moses protested to God, adamant that he had called the wrong guy for many reasons
What is five?
The final plague, the death of the firstborn son, is what instituted the first celebration of this, also known as the Festival of Unleavened Bread
What is Passover?
Upon following this fifth commandment, God tells the people that they will live a long and full life in the land that He is giving them
What is "Honor your father and mother"?
This portable place was a symbol of God's presence among the people, and where the Ark of Covenant was kept
What is the Tabernacle?
This word is an ancient Greek term that literally means "a going out"
What is "exodus"?