What is pharoah's favorite answer to Moses?
What was the third plague?
In what chapter does God talk to Moses through the burning bush?
Why did Moses run away from egypt
Because he killed an egyptian
What did pharoah say when Moses said God wanted him to let the people go
I Dont believe in your God
Why couldn't Pharoahs magicians create the plague of lice?
Who did God have help Moses talk to pharoah
Moses's brother, Aaron
How many plagues did it take for pharoah to let God's people go?
What did God do to Pharoahs heart everytime moses talked to him?
Hardened it
What story happens before Exodus?
The story of Joseph
What was Moses's first and second excuse to God for why he couldn't talk to pharoah
I'm not good enough, I can't speak well
When Mo and Aaron went to pharoah the first time, pharoah did something to the Israelites, what was it?
Made them work twice as hard but still the same time limit, whipped them more.
Did Pharoah's advisors tell him to let the people go? Bonus- After what plague?
Ex. 10:7 "Let the men go, that they may serve the Lord their God. Do you not yet understand that Egypt is ruined?"
8th, the Locusts
Why did God harden pharoahs heart
What were the 3 things God had Moses do to prove to Moses his power?
Rod became snake, hand had disease, water into blood
Does Pharaoh ever ask for forgiveness?
Yes in chapter 10
"Forgive my sin please... plead with the Lord your God only to take this death from me"
What do the plagues teach us about God's charcter?
He is powerful, he is in control even over earthly rulers, and what he wants to happen can and will happen!!
What covenant is God going to fulfill through taking the Israelites out of Egypt?
God's covenant to Abraham (Gen 12) to make them a great nation and bring them into the promised land.