Expanding Nation
Phase Change
Developing Nation
Phase Change Again
Science and Social Studies

What does this image represent?

What is Manifest Destiny? 1000 points


A car mechanic had a sealed bucket containing a substance in the gas phase. She left the bucket outside over the weekend. When she returned, the substance had changed phase, and the substance was in the liquid phase. What happened to the molecules of this substance?

What is moving away from each other. When she returned, they were moving around each other?


the Oregon Treaty and 
the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Which of the following were most responsible for expanding U.S. territory into Texas and areas west of the Rocky Mountains?


The image above shows information about two different substances in sealed containers. At room temperature, both substances are liquids. A scientist transfers the same amount of energy into both substances. One substance changes phase, but the other does not. Which chemical changed phase, and why did it change? 

What is Substance A changed phase because its molecules were able to move fast enough to overcome the attraction between them and Its molecules now move away from each other?


[It is] our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.

The ideas expressed in the passage contributed most directly to which of the following?

What is the the passage of the Homestead Act?

2000 points


the angelic figure headed west 

Double Points

Which piece of evidence best supports the answer to Part A?


A chef finds a sealed container consisting of an ingredient that goes into his restaurant’s secret sauce. The ingredient’s molecules are moving in place. What will happen if the chef causes the ingredient to change phase by transferring energy into it?

After the phase change, the ingredient’s molecules will move . 

What is faster, and the ingredient will be a liquid?


Which of the following groups settled in the West to escape religious persecution?

Who are the Mormons?


A student left a jar of water outside his home. Water can be a solid, liquid, or gas. When he put the jar outside, the water was liquid. Twelve hours later, the water had changed phase and was a gas. What happened to the water molecules?

What is moving around each other. Later, the molecules were moving away from each other?

Triple points


Most were the hangers-on around the disbursements of such a gigantic work, catching the drippings from the feast in any and every form that it was possible to reach them. Restaurant and saloon keepers, gamblers, desperadoes of every grade, the vilest of men and of women made up this “Hell on Wheels,” as it was most aptly termed.

Which statement is supported by the details in this excerpt?

What is the railroad encouraged migration to the West?


After gaining its independence from Spain, the Mexican government__.

What is encouraged American settlers to move to Texas?


Workers find two substances. One is a toxic chemical. The other is a safe chemical. Both chemicals are liquids at room temperature. As a test, the workers transfer the same amount of energy out of the two containers and find that only the toxic chemical changes phase. How is the toxic chemical different from the safe chemical? The toxic chemical has a . . .

What is stronger, now move in place?  Triple Points


Which conclusion is supported by the graph?

What is the discovery of gold in California quickly increased the territory’s population? 


Refrigerators are able to transfer energy out of a substance. At first, the substance is a gas. The refrigerator changes the phase of the substance by transferring energy out of it. How does this change affect the substance’s molecules?

After the phase change, the molecules move . .

What is slower, and they move around each other?


Manifest Destiny, Texas Independence, Gold Rush, and Transcontinental Railroad.  

Which event discussed in this chapter was most responsible for the growth and expansion of the United States in the mid-1800s?


This image is most closely associated with ____

What is Texas independence? Triple Points


Cesar and Ming were investigating a see-through container of water. Water can be a solid, liquid, or gas. At first, Cesar and Ming said the water molecules were moving in place. Later , the water molecules were moving around each other. What change did they observe to the water?

What is at first, the water was a solid. Later, it was a liquid?


This invention helped make which of the following obsolete? 

What is the Pony Express? Triple Points


Detectives find two substances at a crime scene. One is a poison, and the other is a cleaning chemical. At room temperature, both substances are liquids. To test the substances, the detectives  transfer the same amount of energy into both substances, but only the cleaning chemical changes phase. How is the cleaning chemical different from the poison?

The cleaning chemical has a . . 

What is weaker attraction now move away from each other?


An Earth scientist brought an unknown substance from underground back to her lab. The substance was in the gas phase and was put into a sealed tank as shown above. She slowed down the molecules inside the tank and the substance changed phase. How did she do this, and how did it affect the molecules?

She transferred energy . . .

What is out now moves around each other?

Triple Points


He ordered U.S. troops to cross the Nueces River

How did President James K. Polk provoke war with Mexico?


A company uses a substance that is a solid under normal conditions. This substance will be used in extreme conditions, which could make the substance’s molecules move faster and cause a phase change. How would this phase change occur, and how would the molecules of the substance be affected under these extreme conditions?

Energy would be transferred . . 

What is into and now move around each other? 


The government gave railroad companies a gift of ten square miles of land alongside each mile of track they built.

How did the U.S. government help in the construction of the transcontinental railroad?


cientists have a container of water. Water can be a solid, liquid, or gas. At first, the water molecules in the container were moving around each other. Later, the water molecules were moving in place. What change did the scientists observe?

What is the water was a liquid. now a solid?


Two different cars, the Model S and Model T, use different substances in their engines. The image above shows the two substances. At room temperature, both substances are liquids. A car mechanic transferred the same amount of energy out of the two containers, but only one substance changed phase. Which car’s substance changed phase, and how did it change? 

What is the Model T’s the attraction overcame their slower movement and now move in place?
