When Ms. M says "class, class", what do you do?
Say "yes, yes" and be quiet!
What does "put first things first" mean?
Do work first, then play
What direction do you go on the slide?
What level should your voice be in the hallway?
Who is in charge of keeping our classroom clean?
What is the carpet for?
When is it okay to touch someone at recess?
Only lightly, during tag
When should you run in the school?
Trick question: NEVER
Why do we have class jobs?
Because we are all leaders and are responsible for helping our classroom run smoothly
How should your body look at the carpet?
In a square, seated and quiet
Where should nature stay?
On the GROUND!
What should you do when you get to a corner in the hallway?
Stop and wait for your teacher
When do you get to move around the classroom?
Only when Ms. M asks, or if you are getting a tissue or going to the restroom
When is it okay to give up?
Never, Ms. M never expects you to be perfect but she expects you to try your best!
What should you do if someone doesn't want to play?
Respect their words and find someone else to play with
What do you do if you need something in the cafeteria?
Raise your hand and wait
What do we do if we see something on the floor (backpack, trash, pencil, etc.)
When Ms. M is talking, you are _____.
Silent, listening, learning, level 0
When should you go outside the fence?
Only with permission or a teacher watching you
Who is in charge of you?