When you are on your laptop, you should stay on _____.
task (on the assignment / on the correct website)
What is the FIRST thing you do in EVERY class?
Fill out your planner
What are ways you can be SAFE at Walden?
- Walking in the hallways
- Keeping your hands to yourself
What is my favorite Sports Team?
STL Blues
Do we get homework in middle school?
Always ask for a _______.
fidget / blanket
How long can you spend at the Zen Zone?
No more than 5 minutes.
What are ways you can be RESPECTFUL at Walden?
- Saying Please and Thank You
- Being Nice, Kind, Understanding, Caring, Thoughtful, etc.
When is Homework Due?
The next time you have that class!
(Falcon Courses vs. Imagineer Courses)
When is an appropriate time to ask to go to the bathroom?
Where do you go if you need supplies?
Your drawer.
If you do not have a drawer, then ask Mrs. Baska
What are ways you can be RESPONSIBLE at Walden?
- Doing your homework on time.
- Owning your mistakes.
- Keeping track of your belongings.
What are the names of my TWO dogs?
Milo and Harper
Where do you check your grades?
Infinite Campus
What is a tracker mark and how do you earn one?
Tracker marks track behaviors across all classes you have at Walden.
How SHOULD we end each class?
Cleaning up your space and standing behind your desk when you are ready to go.
How do you earn a JAG?
By doing things that are Safe, Respectful, and Responsible.
What was my last name BEFORE I was married (aka last year)?
Miss O'Brien
Where can you find your online assignments?
Schoology or Big Ideas
What EXTRA supplies do you need to bring to each class? (Other than your laptop, binder, and pencil case)
Math -
Reading -
ELA - Writer's Notebook
Math - Math Notebook
Reading - Reader's Notebook and Library Book
What should I do when I get a Missing Work List?
1. Check the assignment to see if it is finished.
2. Turn in the assignment.
3. Email the teacher to let them know I submitted it.
What does JAG stand for? (yes - the PBIS JAGS you earn, not the Jaguar Mascot)
Just Achieved Greatness
How many years have I been teaching?
This is my 4th year.
What are the two grading categories?
Homework = 20%
Assessment = 80%