
True or False: it is ok to drop our bags at the door when we enter the room?

False, we unpack bags and turn in electronics to a teacher!


What does it mean to be safe in the classroom/ school?

We keep our hands and feet to our selves. 

We are not throwing/ flipping  things.


 True or false when in the hallway it is ok to jump, run and walk silly?

No, we should be  in line one behind the other giving personal space  to the person in front and behind us. 


What time does Lunch begin?

Lunch will begin at 12:45 pm.


When do we get phones back?

When our buses get called.


 Should I wait till after arrival is over to use the bathroom? Why or why not? 

 Arrival is a good time because the first period will begin following arrival.


How do we show respect to our peers and teachers? 

Using kind words and a friendly tone of voice.

We raise our hands 

When someone is speaking we take turns listening and talking.


Should  we be talking and yelling while we are in the halls?

No, our voices are off and we are walking quietly.


Do we play and eat our bodega items before  eating our lunch food?

No, we need eat our lunches, before eating bodega items or playing. 

 Who dismisses us from class? 

The teachers  will dismiss us once we our names are called.


What do we order after we unpack our belonings?

After unpacking we will put in our bodega and lunch orders. 


 Are we being responsible if we are running around the classroom and being disruptive?

No, we are  being responsible when we are 

following directions, in our area, and using materials appropriately.


Should  we be touching getting out of line to  touch people or things  while in the halls?

No, we should stay in line and keep our hands and feet to our selves.  


When it is 12:45  should we just stop what we are doing and  go get our lunches? 

No, we must wait for a teacher to check us out and let us know it is ok to get our lunch. 


Who is responsible for packing up our belonging's? 

We are responsible for  packing up our belongings. 


Where do we put our backpacks, lunch bags, and homework folders?

Place backpacks in the bottom of the cabinet. Lunch goes in the fridge. Homework folders are placed in the homework bin.


If  we work  for half the period are we going to earn all of our task points? 

No, we  only earn all of our task points when we are  on task and work the entire period. 


When entering or leaving a door way should we just leave the door close on the person behind us?

No, we pass the door to the person behind us the last person in or out will gently shut the door.


What  do we do when we are finished eating our snack's and lunch?

When we are done we will clean up  and throw away our trash and wipe down your desk. 


How do we leave the classroom and building when we are dismissed?

Once our teacher dismisses us we will walk out of the  classroom and building while being safe, respectful and responsible.


Should you eat your breakfast before or after completing your morning?

Nether, you should eat your breakfast while doing your morning work!


If we are frustrated  or upset what should  we do? 

If we are feeling frustrated or upset  we can raise our hand and ask for a break or a walk. 


Are we earning our points while we are in the hallway?

Yes, we are always earning our points from the beginning of the day till the end of the day.


What are  some things we  can do on lunch break if we earned ?

We can play a game,

use our computers, 

play with a peer, 

eat our bodega or  do our bodega choice. 


Should we leave our laptops out on our desk for teachers to put away?

No,  we are responsible for putting away and plugging in our laptops in their proper spots.  If we do not  put them away and plug them in we will not be able to use them for  breaks and fun activities.
