Voice Levels
Being kind and courteous, and applying basic manners like saying sorry when you're wrong.

What is politeness?


You were in the middle of writing a story for Writing Time, but it is time to move on to the next thing.  You almost shove the paper in your desk, but you remember you have a writing folder.  You put your paper in your writing folder so each of your writing papers are together.

What is organization?


Always walk, don’t run, to avoid accidents

What is Walking in the Classroom?


An item that collects school papers, goes home with you every day, and comes back to school every day.

What is a Take Home Folder?


Use this level when giving a presentation to your class.

What is voice level 3? (Presenter voice)


Thanking others to show respect and kindness, and let them know you appreciate what they've done.

What is gratitude?


You have just been given independent math work.  Your deskmates are talking about what they should do at recess.  They turn to you and ask if you have any ideas for recess fun.  You say, "I'm going to focus on this worksheet and when we are all finished with it, we can brainstorm recess ideas."

What is staying on task?


Avoiding pushing, shoving, or hitting others.

What is Keeping Hands and Feet to Yourself?


Your teacher has given everyone directions to write a creative story.  You feel frustrated because it's hard to come up with words on the spot.  You start thinking "I'm not good at this, I give up".

You look around the room and notice a poster.  You think again, "I'll try the strategies that I've learned and check my toolkit binder."

What is growth mindset?


Use this level when working with another student or more.

What is voice level 1? (A little bit above a whisper)

Recognizing and respecting others' feelings, listening carefully, and responding with care and concern.

What is empathy?


You share your markers and other materials with your group members.  You also want to get a chance to write on the poster, so you suggest everyone takes turns.  Your group members agree.

What is cooperation?


Handling scissors, pencils, and other tools safely.

What is Using Materials Properly?


You broke an item in the classroom.  You feel bad.  You don't want anyone to be upset with you.  You realize that if you lie about breaking it, that is also bad.  You take deep breaths and decide to find your teacher and apologize for breaking an item.

What is understanding the consequences of behavior?


Use this level in the hallway and while you are completing independent work.

What is voice level 0? (Silent)


Focusing on the speaker, showing you're paying attention, and responding appropriately.

What is active listening?


You drank lots of water this morning when you woke up.  You know that every day there is a lot of work that needs to be done.  You try to use the restroom before morning announcements with Mr. Mintus.

What is personal care?

Sitting with all chair legs on the floor to prevent falls.

What is Sitting Properly in Chairs?


You are in a group with students that are talking over you and not listening.  You want to yell, but instead, you hold up something.

What is the calming corner signal?


Use this level when answering a question during a lesson.

What is level 2? (Indoor voice)

Being truthful and admitting your feelings, needs, and wants, while respecting others' feelings and not blaming or getting caught up in negativity.

What is honesty?


You have earned free time.  Your teacher sets a timer for 5 minutes and tells you that when the timer goes off you must put anything back where it goes and return to your seat.  You decide to color for your 5 minutes.  You notice the timer has 1 minute left so you start putting away your supplies early and helping others clean up too.

What is following directions the first time?


Knowing and following the procedures for fire drills, lockdowns, and other emergencies.

What is Following Emergency Procedures?


Your teacher gives you a math worksheet to complete.  You are frustrated because you didn't understand the lesson.  You also didn't get enough sleep and now you don't want to work on the worksheet.  You raise your hand and ask your teacher for something.

What is a break?


Use this level while others are talking.

What is level 0? (Silent)
