Where does my cell phone belong during the school day?
What is in my locker OR at home..
How do I know when work is due?
What is your teacher will let you know in the slides, Schoology, and in Infinite Campus.
If I'm hungry, how can I solve this problem?
What is eat lunch. Even if I don't like the options, it's better than nothing. 5 crew tickets = candy. 10 crew tickets equal chips.
When do I use the restroom?
What is during passing time.
Do I need to bring my coat to lunch?
When can I be on my phone?
What is never.
Where do I turn in work at?
What is the turn in baskets if it's paper. IF in Schoology, just tap submit.
Eating snacks can create garbage.
What is throw your garbage away, so Bonde and Russell don't have to eliminate snacks during class.
What do I get from my locker during passing time?
Charged Chromebook
Can I be on my phone?
What is NO.
If my phone is taken a way during the school day, when do I get it back?
What is after 7th hour.
What IF I don't turn in work by the deadline? What can I do?
Communicate with your teacher on when you will turn it in AND send an email when it has been submitted.
IF I sit in a chair, how will I know it's ready for the next student?
What is push your chair in and make sure your table spot is clear of garbage.
What if I want to touch other students?
What is NEVER.
What can help me socialize with my friends?
Don't bring your phone, Chromebook, or other items that can distract me from being a friend.
If my phone is taken a way for a 2nd time, when do I get it back?
What is after 7th hour.
What's the final deadline for formatives?
What is turn it in by the time the summative is due.
IF I'm frustrated with a teacher OR student, how do I display that?
What is talking and communicating in a respectful manner.
Can I run in hallways to attack another student?
What is NO! Why do we have to say this?
What if the weather is bad and we can't go outside for recess?
What is sign up for a classroom activity and be prompt with your arrival. Nobody leaves the lunch room after 11:10.
If my phone is taken a way a 3rd time, when do I get it back?
What is when your parent/guardian has time to come to the school to pick it up.
If class time is not sufficient time for me to get work done, how do I fix that problem?
What is email your teacher! You can come in at lunch or after school to work on late work. Of course, you can work on latework at home. Just turn your phone off!
How do I know what is homework?
What is reading the board and writing it down in my agenda.
What if I'm going to be late? How do I get it excused?
Get a pass from who helped you and got you to class late.
Can I roam the hallways?
Nope, you'll be written up.