How can I earn Dolphin Dollars?
Being Respectful, Responsible and/or Safe
When can you use the bathroom?
During breaks or when Ms. G isn't teaching.
What voice level should we be at when taking a test?
0. No talking
When I really know the answer to a question, how can I let the teacher know?
Raise hand quietly.
Sit in seat.
How can I earn Fun Friday
Turning in Spelling/Multiplication and showing good behavior.
When can I sharpen my pencil?
When Ms. G isn't teaching.
What voice level can you be at outside at recess?
4. Loud!
How can I use the bathroom respectfully, responsibly and safely?
Level 0-1.
Do your business and get out.
Clean up after yourself.
How do we line up?
When can I sit in the blue chair?
When you are Helper of the Day?
What voice level can you be at when working in table groups?
1. Whisper or 2 Table Talk
What do you need to do every morning to be successful?
Use bathroom, backpack in hallway, assignment notebook and folder in desk, make lunch choice and start morning work.
How do I let the teacher know something/someone is bothering me?
Using the teacher mail or calm corner
When Can I run in the classroom?
What voice level should you be at when speaking to the class?
When packing up, what does a respectful student need to do before dismissal?
Fill out assignment notebook, check mail, put chair up and wait at desk for bell.
How can I sit with a friend for the day?
Redeem 30 Dolphin Dollars
When is snack and what can I eat?
During reading and a healthy snack
What voice level should you be at when Ms. G is teaching?
Zero. You SHOULDN'T be talking when a teacher is talking.
When the teacher says "Make a SMART choice, what does that look like/sound like"?
Choosing someone that will HELP you get the work done.