When is homework due?
Next day
What should you do if you need assistance during independent work time?
Raise your hand and be quiet
Students are expected to use their devices solely for class-related activities, avoiding things like gaming or social media.
What is "Stay on Task"?
What materials do you need to bring to class each day?
pencil, binder, calculator, homework
When you have a question, you should do what?
Raise your hand
What happens when it is not complete or you don't have it?
Its a zero?
What does it mean to respect everyone in the room?
1. Listen when someone is talking
2. Listen to everyones perspective and thoughts
3. Avoid negative comments
When we are done with the iPad, where should it go?
It needs to go back to the slot with the SAME number.
What should you do if you forgot your pencil, notebook, or calculator?
You may ask to borrow one but it must be returned.
Do you have to show your work?
What should you do if you don’t understand an assignment?
Look over notes
Check schoology videos
Ask for help after you have asked two friends
what does it mean to be prepared and on time?
What does it mean to use iPad responsibly?
What should you do when you receive notes and we have concluded for the day? Do notes get thrown way?
No, notes get put NEATLY in your binder.
What voice level should you use?
Inside/ low voice
What should you include at the top of every assignment
What does it mean to be actively engaged?
3. Active Engagement
Consequences for Misuse
When should I sharpen a pencil, use the restroom, and begin bellwork/exit ticket?
sharpen a pencil should be done within the first 2 minutes of class.
restroom does not require a hand raise but should NOT be done during instruction.
Bellwork: you have the first 5 minutes of class, then we will review and move on. I AM NOT WAITING FOR YALL TO GET IT TOGETHER. Keep up or fall behind.
How many warnings will I give before giving you the consequence for YOUR ACTION?
One reminder then...
1. Move seat
2. Lunch detention, infraction and call home
3. Referral
What does a quality assignment look like?
All work is shown even when a calculator is used. No work no credit
What does it mean to be responsible?
Personal devices such as phones or smartwatches should remain off and stored away unless the teacher gives permission to use them.
What is "No Personal Devices Without Permission"?
Who is responsible for having class materials ready to go?
What I expect from you when it comes to the classroom
Respect and trying