When can I sharpen my pencil?
Before the bell rings for class or during work time.
If I am talking or another student is talking, do not get up and sharpen your pencil!
What day of the week do we usually receive vocabulary assignments and do vocabulary quizzes?
What percentage of your grade is effort?
How do you win the class competition?
Your table gets over 100 points.
What is Ms. Tollbom's favorite color?
Demonstrate the difference between a level 1 and level 2 voice.
Answers may vary.
What are the three tasks on every vocabulary prep assignment?
1) Redefining
2) Repetitions
3) Test-worthy sentences
How do I find out if I have a missing assignment?
Check Pinnacle, check your binder, or ask Ms. Tollbom at an appropriate time.
What do check marks in the competition mean?
Someone at your table has broken one of the three rules. It counts against your table at the end of the day.
What color is Mrs. Tollbom's hair?
Black - Mrs. Tollbom is my mom! I'm Ms. Tollbom. It's different.
How does Ms. Tollbom signal that it is time to stop talking?
Count-down: 5-4-3-2-1
When does Ms. Tollbom expect us to turn in our vocabulary prep pages?
The first set of 5 words is due in one week, and the second set is due in two weeks.
Where should I look for my missing assignment if I think I've turned it in?
In the No Name basket, my locker, and/or my binder.
How often are points added to the board?
Every day at the end of the block!
Who is Ms. Tollbom's favorite Disney Princess?
Anna (Frozen)
What rule does running in the classroom violate?
Be safe.
What are the THREE major requirements for a test-worthy sentence?
1) Vocabulary word is used correctly in the sentence.
2) The sentence includes details that show you know how to use the vocabulary word in context.
3) An "or" statement with a short definition of the word.
What are the three grading categories that all teachers use?
Effort, Assessments, and Citizenship
What are the three rules of the competition?
Give an example of what it looks like to follow each.
1) Quiet voices
2) On-task
3) In-group
Examples may vary.
What instruments does Ms. Tollbom play?
Hint: There are THREE of these.
What is the difference between "tattling" and "reporting"?
Tattling is when you're trying to get someone in trouble.
Reporting is when you're trying to protect or help others.
As a table group, you have 1 minute to come up with a test-worthy sentence for the word "dictionary". At the end of the 1 minute, you will be asked to come and write it on the white board.
Answers vary.
Must meet test-worthy sentence requirements.
Where are the three major places in the classroom where I can look to find due dates?
Unit calendar, class planner, and late calendar.
What does it look like to break the "in-group" rule?
Your table group has 1-minute to plan a skit demonstrating this.
Points will be earned if the group demonstrates understanding of the rule AND has 100% participation.
List all the countries Ms. Tollbom has been to.
Hint: She has been to THREE, besides the U.S.