How can you show your teacher your listening?
Eyes on them, not talking, listening ears, participating, nothing in your hands
Describe how you should walk through the hallways?
Quiet- no talking, single file, straight line, eyes forward, do not jump ahead in the line
When is the best time to use the washroom?
At nutrition break if you are able to wait (but if not, you may go as long as you ask permission first)
What days can the grade 3’s and 4’s go on the park/climber?
Day 3- grade 3
Day 4- grade 4
What foods are we not allowed at school?
- nuts and kiwi
Why is it important to follow instructions and show respect to your teacher?
Because she cares about you and wants to help keep you safe and help you learn.
If you are doing something you shouldn’t be doing and the teacher has to stop the lesson to ask you not to do something, it interrupts everyone’s learning
What do you do if you see a friend from another class in the hallway?
A wave and hello and continue on your way. Do not talk to the for a long time, head back to class.
What do you need to do after you use the washroom?
Wash your hands
What do you do if someone is hands on (pushes, hits, kicks) you at recess?
Ask them to stop and if they do not, get a teacher on duty in an orange vest
What does proper lunch time behaviour look and sound like?
- staying seated
- chewing with our mouthes closed
- tidy up our desk after we eat
How can you show respect to your classmates?
Helping them
Using kind words
Including them
Listening to their ideas respectfully
Why is it important to walk nicely and quietly in the hallways?
So that we do not disturb other classes trying to work and so we set a good example for the younger grades
How long should you be in the washroom?
Long enough to do your business and come right back afterwards (you don’t want to miss too much learning time)
What would you do if you saw someone in our class playing on their own?
Go up to them and ask them if they would like to play with me
Why do we encourage kids to eat quietly during lunch?
Because it is calming time and if we are talking during lunch, we will not have enough time to finish our food
How can you be safe at school?
Walk in the hallways
Ask permission to leave the classroom
If you need to leave the classroom for any reason, what do you need to do first?
Ask your teacher permission
How many students can go to the washroom at a time? Can students go in partners?
2 students can go at a time. 1 boy and 1 girl
What do you do when the bell rings at the end of recess?
Line up quickly and quietly. Make my way to the line as soon as the bell rings
Are we allowed to share food with our friends? Why or why not?
Why do we raise our hands to speak?
If we call out answers, then other students don’t get a chance to think of the answer themselves
If people call out, it makes it hard for others to hear the lesson
It shows respect
What do I do if the person in front or behind me is talking or being silly in line?
Remind them of hallway expectations because if we walk nicely in the hallway, we get stones for the jar!
What do I do if I am in the washroom and the fire alarm goes off?
Come out the closest door going to the back field and look for our class, if you can’t find us, ask another teacher to direct you
What are we not allowed to do at recess?
- leave school property
- go in the back forest
- play with sticks
- not keep hands to myself
Why is it important to clean up after we eat?
To help the custodians and so that we do not get food on our work