This is where you find your daily papers!
What is the 7th/8th grade table in the back of the room!
This is how you should talk to others and to Mr. B
What is respectfully!
This is where your phone should be all day long!
What is my locker?
This is a drill that we will do to practice if there is a fire!
What is a fire drill!
This is the state that Mr. B is from!
What is Wisconsin
This is the first thing that you should grab when you get to class!
What is my binder/folder and my notebook!
After how many tardies will Mr. B contact home?
What is 2 tardies!
What is: Bleeding, Breathing, Burning up, Barfing, Blood Sugar, Broken Bone
In this situation we clear the halls and make sure everyone is in their classrooms. This happens because of a medical emergency.
What is a hold!
What is golf!
This is the time in class when Mr. B is talking to the whole group either giving instructions or teaching!
What is instruction time!
What is the only kind of food allowed in the classroom?
What is rewards from teachers and left over breakfast!
This is the side of the hallway that you should be walking on.
What is the right side!
When there is a threat outside the school and all outside doors need to be closed and locked?
What is the Packers!
Ask an adult, then you need to sign out, then grab the pass!
This is the longest amount of time you should be out of the room in the bathroom.
What is 5 minutes. Unless you talk to Mr. B.
What will happen if you bring a water bottle that is not clear and/or it doesn't have water in it?
It will be dumped out, confiscated or smelled.
When there is a threat in our school, we need to do this right away!
What is a lockdown. Or Locks, lights and out of sight!
This is the name of Mr. B's girlfriend!
What is Daisy!
Put away binders, push in chair, look for trash, quietly leave the room. Remember to keep your hands to yourself!
This is what you should fill out when class starts.
What is an "In" and planner!
This is how you should be walking in the hallway.
What is quietly, calmly and going to class right away!
Who is supposed to open the door to the classroom?
ONLY MR. B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is the reason Mr. B is a teacher?