What is our bathroom procedure? (hint, more than one step)
Silent signal, get pass, sign out
What is one of our classroom agreements?
hands to self, worry about you, keep it safe, be kind, respectful and honest
What is second grade shine?
S-Sit on bottom
H-hands in lap
I- In your own space
N- No talking or noise
E- Eyes on speaker
Where do we turn in finished work?
the turn-in basket or folder
We can earn table points by...
What do we do when lining up?
stand-up quietly, push in chair, hands to self, eyes are forward, level 0 voice in hallways
When do you use a level 0 voice?
in the hallway, when lining up for lunch, during a test or quiz
What is an teacher only area in the classroom?
Anywhere by Ms.Ricciardi's desk
What are math game expectations?
play responsibly, put games away nicely, level 1 with partner
Why would someone get a think sheet? What happens when you get one?
Move away, tell an adult, say no thank you, quiet husky
What is our morning routine?
What is a lunch expectation?
Listen to Mrs. Stadels directions, Tummy to table
What is a library expectation?
treat books with respect, keep the library tidy, return books to book return bin
What is an IPAD expectation?
be respectful of device, responsible for headphones and QR code, use only your device (number)
What do we do with our class library books when we are done reading them?
We put them back in the bin we got them from
When do we use a voice level 1?
working with teacher or partners
How do we ask a question in class?
raise hand quietly with bubble in mouth
What is an end of day routine?
put supplies away, clean up table and floor, check mailbox, complete job, put up chair, plug in IPADS
What are the three B's?
be respectful, be responsible, be safe
What do we do if our IPAD dies while we are working in guided?
We plug it in and do a different may do until it charges
What do we do is Ms.Ricciardi is wearing her crown and we have question?
Ask friends and use what you know to problem solve
What are some options when you finish work early?
Double check work and then do your may do
How can you earn husky paws?
What is a growth mindset?
positive mindset