Class Rules
How to get help
In Class
During work times
In the hall and the school yard

What are the first things you should do when entering the classroom?

Check the "due today list" then complete and hand in your bell work, then see "what's next" to work on from the "could be working on" list.


What is the polite way to ask the teacher for help?

Raise your hand and WAIT quietly to be called on. You are not the only student who needs to be helped.


An appropriate indoor voice is always expected in class.  When is a loud, screaming type voice aloud at school?

Only when your injured or during an emergency.


Why is it important to pay attention to lessons, to keep complete notes, and ask for help when you need it?

To make you understand the material and can do your best work.  Everything we learn this year, YOU NEEDn next year.


When is it allowed to have your hands, feet, or any part of your body on another student while at school.



What is the golden rule of our classroom?

Treat others the way you want to be treated.


If the teacher is busy, what can you do instead of interrupting?

First try to solve the problem on your own and then, if you can after trying hard, ask a classmate until the teacher is available.


How much time are you given in class to work on assignments?

A carefully planned amount of time by Mr Tersigni that is very reasonable to finish work during so that you do not need to bring home homework.


When you are using a Chromebook, where should it be?

Always flat on your desk, not on your lap or on the floor.


How should you get to line from outside once the bell has rung?

As quickly as you possibly can.


What do we do when ANYONE else is speaking during class time?

Listen respectfully without interrupting, waiting patiently to take your EQUAL turn.


When should you wander over to talk to a friend when it is not totally about the work being done in class?

Before school, during recesses, during lunch time, or after school.  Never during class work time.  Work time is for work.  Social time is for social time.

When is socializing (non work focus) allowed in class?

ONLY during "turn and talk for two" times.  Not before or after.


What should you do if you finish your work early?

Work on an approved activity, such as reading a book or reviewing your work, something from the "could be working on list".


When are you allowed to be in a hallway?

Only when you are supervised by an adult.


Why should you get settled down in class and to work quickly and TRY your hardest during class time all the time?

Because class time is valuable (only in class 11% of the year) and because homework is no fun.


What is the best way to make sure you are completing all of your work and not bringing home homework?

Always thinking, "What is next?".


When are you allowed to eat lunch or snack at someone else's desk?



When using a device, what should you be using it for?

For EXACTLY and ONLY the reason you were given it and no other reasons that are not approved.


What should your coat rack area look like?

During the day, neat, organized with everything hung up and against the wall or on top of the rack.  At the end of the day, ONLY your indoor shoes on TOP of the coat rack and nothing else left behind.


Why do we have class rules?

To create a safe, respectful, fair, and productive learning environment for EVERYONE.


What is a good strategy if you’re too nervous to ask for help in front of the class?

Write your question down and show it to the teacher later.


Based on the first half of the school year, what do you think the biggest thing we will focus on to help each student activate their memory better and produce their best school results?

Taking in everything that happens in class and turning all the out loud and board written information into notes you put into your notebooks.


What are the two best tools we have for our class to help you keep organized so that can be confident you are not missing anything important.

Your yellow "For now" information folder and Edsby. Forgetting to use either thing means you could be falling behind.


What should your desk and around your desk area look like?

They should continually look just like they do every Monday morning as you first enter the room.  Any mess or disorganization that happens after Monday morning is absolutely YOUR responsibility.
