Warm Up
Leaving/Entering Class

When should you start your warm up?

The second the bell goes, preferably before. Many of us have not been doing anything during warm up and instead eat our snacks, stare into space, or just choose to not do anything. Warm ups will be marked moving forward.


Where should phones be at ALL times?

In your locker. If you forget to put your phone away, it stays on my desk. If you get caught with your phone I keep it for the rest of the day. 2nd time it goes to the office. 3rd time it is a suspension.


What is the number one thing I ask for in my classroom.

Respect. Respect your teachers. Respect your peers. Respect yourself. Respect yours/others property.


How can you check when something is due?

Ask a friend, check the homework board, check edsby, ask me.


Should you wait for the bell to go before finding your seat?

NO!!! Don't wait for me to be in the classroom to start your work, to find your seat, or to stop talking. The bell is your signal that class has started and you need to be quiet and get to work.


What should you do when you enter class so you are ready for the bell?

Check the board to see if there are any supplies you need, find your assigned seat, get out warm up or homework and start working WHEN the bell rings. DT/Tutorial for time wasted in class. 


What are potential consequences for not meeting classroom expectations?

Verbal Warning. One-on-One Discussion Outside of Classroom. Alternate Working Environment. Loss of Privilege (noon hour or afterschool detention). Call or Email Home. Suspension.


What should you do if you don't finish an assignment on time?

Finish it for homework. Take it home, do it at lunch, before school, after school, during warm up, in tutorial. Get it done ASAP! Don't let your missing work pile up. If you are signed up for tutorial, GO! If you skip a tutorial, you will get a DT, if you skip a DT, the office will decide your consequence. Need to start preparing for grade 8.


How many pages of your book should you read during warmup?

The BARE minimum is 5 pages. This is ONLY 1 page every 3 minutes since warm up takes 15 minutes. Ideally, 10-15 pages. 


What do you need to bring to class to be prepared?

Binder, pencil, eraser, homework, warm up, calculator, library book. Only get 5 times to leave class (for water, bathroom, get supplies) then you owe a noon hour.


When should you be meeting expectations?

In class, during break, at lunch, in OTHER classes, before school, after school. As one of my students you are ALWAYS representing me, and I am ALWAYS responsible for you. If you are saying or doing something that would disappoint me, DON'T DO IT! 


How do you know if you have missing work?

Check the missing assignment board, check Edsby, ask me. It is your responsibility to know what you have for homework and what you have overdue. Need to take accountability for ourselves. 


How many questions should you complete in your math warm up every day?

At least 15 questions. This is only 1 question per minute as warm up takes 15 minutes.


What should you do if you finish all of your work?

Read, Math Warm Up, Other Homework


How do we keep the classroom clean?

Don't leave our things on our desks or on the floor. Garbage goes in the garbage. Recycling goes in the appropriate blue bin. Don't make a mess. Clean up after yourself.


What/when is tutorial?

Tutorial is during lunch hour on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in Mrs. Whitrow's classroom. If you are signed up, you MUST go, even if you have extra curr, etc. If you are signed up and don't finish your work, assume you are signed up everyday until you hand it in.  


Why do we do warm up?

It adds routine into our class schedule. Everyone knows how to start class, and it SHOULD make the start of class less chaotic. It also helps our brains get turned on and into the learning mindset. In math we review skills and practice math facts which helps us improve in math. In ELA we read which is an essential skill needed for the rest of your life.

What should you do during your breaks?

Use the washroom, get a drink, get a snack, grab supplies for next class, go to next class, start work when the bell goes. 

In this order.


What should you be doing during class?

Listening, looking at me, paying attention. Completing work. You are not reading, doodling, being off task, laughing with a friend, sleeping, goofing off.


What is NHI?

Not Handed In. For students with overdue work. Attendance is MANDATORY. January 8 (3:30-5:00). February 27 (3:30-5:00). March 28 (1:00-3:30). April 30 (3:30-5:00). May 26 (1:00-3:30).
