What are the acuity scheduling expectations?
“White space”, depicting all hours you are clocked in to work including 16 appointment times
Prep and reporting time
Weekly Training Meeting
1x1 and observation hour with supervisor
Appointments with missionaries
At least one hour of development time, including a description of how you use that hour
Blocked off times indicating how you use your time outside of sessions
Any spot in your “white space” that is not taken by a mentoring session could be taken by an emergency subbing session, unless it is specifically blocked off as “Unavailable”
How often do I need to check and respond to work-related emails and messages?
At the start of every shift.
Have it accessible during your shift so you can be responsive to messages/information coming your way.
What are the different log types in the app?
Completed Session
Initial Missionary Contact Sent
Mentor Cancellation/Reschedule
Missionary Cancellation
Missionary Rescheduled
Request to Remove/Reassign Missionary
Responsive Missionary
Unresponsive Missionary
Sub Plans
When should I reach out to new missionaries?
The day you receive the assignment
How long do I need to wait for missionaries to join the zoom before cancelling a session?
15 minutes
What do I do if missionaries cancel a session?
Cancel the session on acuity
Report a missionary cancellation log.
Reschedule with the missionary.
You may reschedule them to one of the open times from your 16 appointment times
You may add an additional appointment time to your calendar during the same week the session should be held if needed to accommodate the missionary's schedule (must still fit between the required hours of 9am-3:40pm in the missionary's time zone).
If your missionaries are not able to meet with you during any of these times and you are unable to add an additional time for that week, you may reach out to your team to see if anyone else is able to meet with them.
How can you show you've read a message in a teams channel?
React to it
When should I fill out an "Unresponsive Missionary" log?
When a missionary does not respond to you within a week, after multiple attempts of contact. Each week you should submit the “Unresponsive missionary” log.
How will I know when I've received a new assignment?
You will typically receive a workflow card, but check your mentoring app daily as some assignments fail to come through as work-flow cards.
What should I do if there are more than 2 mentors in a session?
The additional mentors should observe with their cameras off.
What needs to be reported for each session on acuity?
Ensure the missionary’s first and last name, missionary’s email, trainer’s name, trainer’s email, mission, and topic are inserted correctly.
Click “Label” and mark the appointment “Completed”.
You are approved to reach out to other mentors to find coverage for each session.
You are responsible for finding the mentors to cover each missionary you are working with, regardless of if the missionaries are currently in your schedule or if they will be assigned to you in the future before your time off arrives.
If you are taking off more than one week, the same mentor should be used for each week meeting with that missionary
Appointments should not be rescheduled with the missionaries in an attempt to find a sub. If you need help, reach out to the Time Off Assistant.
You will not receive any new assignments within 7 days of the first day of your request (if your request lasts 3 days or longer). This will give you at a minimum one full week to find the coverage you need.
How often do mentors need to follow up with missionaries? How often do follow ups need to be reported?
2-3 times a week
Weekly follow up summary reported in logs
How often should I reach out to my new missionary until I receive a response?
At least once a day, using various methods of contact, until you successfully make contact.
What do I do if I wake up feeling sick and am unable to have my sessions today?
Move the appointment to another mentor on your team in Acuity (and then follow the steps in the subbing plans instructions) with help from your supervisor
In rare circumstances, cancel the appointment
When can I hold sessions with the missionaries?
Missionaries are allowed to meet with their mentor Monday-Friday, between 9:00am and 3:40pm in the missionaries' time zone. Appointments can begin at 3:00pm but may not end later than 3:40pm. Sessions may not take place on Preparation Day, Saturdays nor Sundays.
What do I do if a mission president reaches out to me?
If you ever receive a message, email, or other correspondence that includes a Mission Leader, please forward the message to your manager, and do not respond to the message yourself.
How often should you reach out to a missionary after you have reported an "unresponsive missionary" log?
Once a week
Who do I add to the Facebook group chat for my NMGM?
Rebekah Kirkham and your supervisor
What is appropriate for a zoom background?
Blank wall
Blank wall with picture of Christ/temple
Use a template background (in this folder)
Blur background
When is it appropriate to reschedule a missionary's appointment?
There are three instances where rescheduling a missionary's appointment may be appropriate:
Your missionaries request to reschedule an appointment
You have approved time off
You have an emergency
You may NOT add additional hours to your schedule in order to reschedule your missionaries to different days.
You may still reschedule them in any of your open 16 slots in your calendar, though you may not adjust your schedule or add additional slots to other days.
If you are unable to reschedule them in your available slots, follow the time off policy to find subs for these missionaries.
What is considered a day off?
A day off is counted any time you request to not work a day that you normally would meet with missionaries, a supervisor, or other mentors on your team, even if you do not have appointments scheduled that day. You may reschedule your missionaries on your own calendar in their approved block for mentoring, following the bulleted restrictions below, so that you continue to meet with them weekly rather than find a sub, however each day taken off will still be counted towards your time off even if you meet with your missionaries other days that week.
You may NOT add additional hours to your schedule in order to reschedule your missionaries to different days.
You may reschedule missionaries in any of your open 16 slots in your calendar, though you may not adjust your schedule or add additional slots to other days.
What is one instance where I should submit a "request to remove/reassign" log?
What do I do if I have a trio where more than one companionship is in training/ or a trainee training another trainee?
Ask the companionship who the other mentor is who has reached out.
Communicate with that mentor and decide who will take the trio/ companionship. The mentor taking the trio/companionship should be the one who had the oldest missionary the longest.
Communicate with the missionaries which mentor has been assigned to support their companionship/ trio.
Reach out to Katrina Tsai Iverson and let her know both missionary ID's and who will have the companionship.
Only hold one session a week, the one that the older new missionary chooses for the week they are on.
When the older missionary is out of the companionship, go back and start with the sessions that the newer trainee missed.
When do I need to fill out the change of location form?
You must submit a request any time you plan to work from a location different than the address HR has on file.
Requests to work from a different country will always be denied.
Requests to work from a different location cannot cover more than 10 working days. If your request is for more than 10 working days, it will be denied. The only exception is if you are permanently changing location (ie. if you are moving).
You may only request a permanent change in location twice in one year.
To submit a change of location request, please fill out this form a minimum of two weeks prior to the first day of the requested change.