What are the consequences if someone doesn’t follow the classroom expectations?
1. Redirect
2. Sideline
3. Letter home
4. Think slip & Pink slip
When can you ask to go to the bathroom?
Name 2 things you should do when others are sharing to show respect for the presenter.
Whole body listening (eyes on speaker, calm body & hands, listening ears, caring heart) and level zero voice.
What should you do when the teacher says “class, class?”
Stop, look at the teacher, respond with “yes, yes,” and listen quietly.
What are your choices if you finish classwork early?
Check the board. Read. Work on iReady.
In our classroom, we will use hand signals and stay on task. What are examples of this?
Bathroom sign, quiet sign, working on the correct task, discussions staying on task, having an appropriate voice level
What should you do if you have a conflict with another student?
Talk it out first. Give yourselves some space. If it continues, get an adult involved. If you’re outside, tell the adult outside. Don’t wait until you come in to tell someone.
What are the expectations outside when there is snow on the ground?
Boots and snow pants needed to play in snow & on playground, boots needed on blacktop. No snowballs, add to snowmen & forts, and no tunneling in the snow.
What should you be doing if the teacher is working with a small group that you are not apart of?
Working on your work quietly.
What are 3 things we can do to stay healthy while at school?
Wash/sanitize hands often
Use your elbow to cover your cough/sneezes
Wipe off desks regularly
In our classroom, we will respect our classmates, teachers, and school. In your own words, what does this mean?
When someone asks for help, give them help but not the answer.
Listen when others are talking and look at them.
Say kind and helpful things.
When you notice someone is struggling, offer help. If they don’t want it, leave them alone.
Listen to the teacher and do as asked.
Pick up/clean up after ourselves.
Leave artwork/projects in the hallway alone.
How should books be put back in our classroom library?
Put back in the correct bin nicely.
Name 2 ways you could be responsible and respectful in the lunchroom during lunch?
Wait in line patiently
Using level 1 or 2 voice
Eating over your tray
Cleaning up after yourself
Only taking an amount you’ll actually eat.
Name 2 things you can do if you are stuck while Ms. Berchem works with small groups or individual students.
Skip it and move on.
Ask a classmate for help.
Use your strategies/resources.
How should you treat classroom materials that are not yours?
With respect because they do not belong to you. Put them back where they belong.
What are indoor recess expectations during lunch recess?
Find something to do.
Level 2 or lower voice.
Invite others to play with you.
No running or throwing things around the classroom.
When you're told to clean up, do so immediately. Help others clean up.
No Chromebooks. Talk to each other!
Use the bathroom during recess time before Ms. Berchem gets back.
What do you do before your put assignments in the basket?
Make sure your name is on it. If you need to staple it, only put one staple at the top left corner.
How should you respond if you hear the fire alarm?
Walk to line up immediately, level zero voice entire time, follow teacher directions, last person closes classroom door.
Name 3 things that will make you a good member of the group during a group project or group work.
Thinking along with your group members, trying your best, sharing ideas, asking for others ideas, contributing to the work, staying on task, staying with your group, sitting in a circle, listening to others.
How should you act when a sub is in our classroom?
Listen. Be helpful to the sub. Don't argue with the sub. Level zero voice while the sub is teaching and during your independent work. Be KIND.
Remember - a sub won't do everything exactly as I do. That is ok!
In our classroom we will listen and follow directions/expectations and keep our hands and feet to ourselves. In your own words, tell me what that means.
When someone is speaking, you are quiet.
Listen to the directions right away.
Do what the teacher asks you to do without question.
Hands and feet belong in our own bubbles, not classmates' bubbles.
Writing on our own papers only, unless given permission.
What should you do first thing in the morning when you come into the classroom?
Get ready for the day's special, bring your folder into the classroom, move your lunch magnet & milk stick, put library books in the bin, pull out any notes, and sit at your desk quietly showing the teacher you are ready to go.
Name 2 things you need to remember when you are walking through the hallways.
Walking feet, level zero voice, straight line, eyes to the front, and walk on one side of the hallway.
Name 3 things you should remember when Ms. Berchem is teaching.
Following along, listening, thinking about what is being taught, asking questions, not doodling, writing correct things down.
What are expectations in the bathroom?
Use the bathroom quickly and quietly. If the bathroom is too busy, go down to 3rd grade. Don’t engage with other students who will get you in trouble. Do not hang on or climb over/under stalls. Throw away paper towel. Soap is meant for hands only. Don’t spray the water.