Where should you be between 7 and 7:40 AM?
What is... the library or cafeteria
At what percent should your Chromebook be on when 1st period begins?
What is... 80% or above
When should you go to the bathroom?
What is... during passing period
How many minutes are passing periods?
What is... 4 minutes
What three colors are acceptable for your collared polo shirt?
What is... solid maroon, solid gray, or solid black
What time does breakfast start?
What is... 7:15
Name four items that you should bring to class everyday.
What is... binder, Chromebook, pencil, and AR book
If you have an assignment to turn in to another teacher, will I allow you to take it to them?
What is... no, because you can do that later on your own time or the next time you have that class.
What hallway should 8th graders use to move about the school?
What is... the cafeteria hallway
True or False: Quarter zips, cardigans, and sweaters are okay to wear over your polo during school hours.
What is... false
What time is 8th grade dismissed from the gym?
What is... around 8:50
What should you do if you need to get up for any reason?
What is... raise your hand and wait silently in your seat for a teacher to allow you to move
What do you need to go to the nurse?
What is... a nurse's pass
How should we walk down the hallway when we are going to the library?
What is... single file and quietly on the right side of the hallway
Polo shirts must be tucked into your pants. What two colors of pants are allowed?
What is... solid khaki or solid black
What should you put in your locker?
What is... ALL items go into the locker, but Chromebook, binder, and AR book
What is wrong with this scenario?
Student A is reading a story aloud for the class. Student B needs to sharpen his pencil, so they raise their hand and yell across the class for the teacher to notice them.
What is... the student tries to sharpen his pencil at an inappropriate time and interrupts Student A by yelling across the room
If going to the bathroom is an absolute emergency, and the teacher allows you to go, what should you do before leaving the classroom?
What is... sign-out and take a pass
True or False: I can sit anywhere I want when eating in the cafeteria.
What is... false
True or false: If a student doesn't have a belt on, they have to wear a belt provided by the school, and they receive a demerit.
What is... true
When is it okay to have your phone out after the 1st-period bell rings?
What is... never
If you are absent, what should you do when you return to school?
What is... check the daily agenda on Google Classroom and complete the assignments listed. If you have questions, ask the teacher
On the sign-out sheet, what should you write down?
What is... name, date, where, time out, and time in
What can I receive if a teacher sees me on my phone while in my locker during the school day?
What is... a discipline
On free dress days, can you wear whatever you want, and there are no rules?
What is... no, there are rules and former dress code applies