Classroom Hacks
Respect Level: 100
Squad Goals
In My Problem Solving Era
Lock In
Good Vibes Only

What should you do when you walk into the room?

LOOK AT THE BOARD, grab your materials, then quietly start on your warm up.


What does respect SOUND like?

Using kind words and a friendly tone

Being quiet when others are speaking

Waiting your turn

Saying "please", "thank you", "sorry", "excuse me"
Encouraging others when they make a mistake


What does it mean to "be a good teammate" during group work?

Contribute ideas, listen to others, help when needed, and stay on task.


What should you do if you accidentally spill something or break something in the classroom?

Clean it up if possible, or let the teacher know so they can help.


What should you do if you don’t understand the directions for an assignment?

Ask the teacher or a classmate for clarification.


How can you celebrate someone else’s success in the classroom?

Compliment them, cheer for them, or congratulate them in a positive way.


Name two things you can do if you do not have a pencil.

1. Check the bins

2. Ask a neighbor

3. Borrow one from Mrs. Ledford's desk (make sure you return it!!)


What does respect LOOK like?

Making eye contact

Helping one another

Being kind to one another

Showing interest in what others are saying


What should you do if two group members disagree on how to complete a task?

Listen to both sides and help find a compromise or ask the teacher for help.


Your friend keeps talking to you while the teacher is talking. What should you do?

Give them the quiet sign, ignore them, do not respond, or point at the teacher so they know they are supposed to be listening


How can you show kindness to a classmate who is having a tough day?

Offer words of encouragement, listen to them, or help them with their work.

The teacher calls out your friend for not following directions, and you yell, "YEAH DEREK!" in a mocking tone. What should you have done instead, and why might this be unhelpful for the classroom environment?

Say nothing, continue to follow directions

Understand we all make mistakes, and calling out your friends makes the environment unsafe, even if you are just joking


Where can you typically find glue sticks and scissors if you need them?

In the back cabinets


How should you behave when others are speaking?

Turn your body toward them, look at them, listen and do not speak, and use your body language to communicate you are listening (i.e. nodding)


What should you do if you feel like your group is ignoring your ideas?

Politely share your thoughts again, or ask for feedback from your group.


What does it look like to take responsibility for your learning during independent work time?

Stay focused, ask questions if you need help, and complete your tasks on time.


What should you do if you’re feeling frustrated with a classmate?

Take a deep breath, calmly express how you feel, or ask for help from the teacher if needed.


How can you be a positive influence on the class?

Stay calm, stay on task, and encourage others to focus or help them refocus, say "good try", be willing to answer questions


Where are the trash cans and pencil sharpeners located in the room?

Trash Cans: under Mrs. Ledford's desk, by the front door

Pencil Sharpeners: by the kiosk, in the back of the room


What should you do if you notice another student breaking a classroom rule?

Politely remind them of the rule

Focus on yourself and ignore them

Notify the teacher if necessary (especially if safety is an issue)


How can you encourage someone in your group who seems shy to share their ideas?

Invite them to share by saying something positive or asking for their thoughts directly.


What should you do if you get a grade you’re unhappy with?

Ask the teacher for feedback and work on improving for the next assignment.


How can you calm yourself down if a situation feels overwhelming?

Take a break, practice deep breathing, or ask for help if necessary.


If a classmate is struggling, how can you offer help or encouragement?

Offer to help with the task, or simply reassure them that they can do it.


What should you do if your Chromebook is dead or having technical issues?

Plug in your charger, or borrow one of Mrs. Ledford's (You do not have to ask! Just borrow AND return it)

If there are no chargers left, you will have to ask a classmate to borrow one. 


A classmate made a mistake answering a question. How can you respond respectfully?

Gently correct them or offer encouragement, without mocking or criticizing. Stay silent. Say "good try".


What is a respectful way to share your opinion if you disagree with someone in your group?

Share your opinion calmly and respectfully, using "I" statements like, "I think..." or "I feel..."


Why are class rules and expectations important?

They help create a respectful and productive environment for everyone to learn and succeed.


What is the best way to ask for help if you’re struggling with a lesson or task?

Raise your hand or politely ask the teacher for clarification or assistance.


What does "having a growth mindset" look like in the classroom?

Embracing challenges, learning from mistakes, and persevering even when things are difficult.
