
Name something you might do that makes your mom and dad feel proud.


You just won an award at school. Is it OK to go around and brag about it everyone? Why or why not?

Not really! You don't need to brag to everyone but its great to be proud of yourself.


When is it okay to yell at someone?


You burp loudly during dinner. You tell your date you know how to burp the alphabet and ask if she wants to hear it.

For real? Your date wants to spend time talking to you. Not hear you burp! How gross.


You're interviewing for a summer job. You show up wearing sneakers and a dirty shirt you pulled out of the laundry hamper.  Is this acceptable?

You need to look your best at an interview. Next time, wear trousers and dress shoes.


You can't find your wallet, so you take $20 for lunch from your dad's wallet, without asking.

Not cool. Next time, you can ask first!


You decide you don't want to do the work in class. You pull out your phone and you start playing a game. 

That is rude! You should pay attention and follow instructions


You are helping out at your sibling's birthday party. You think it would be funny to tell everyone about embarrassing moments in your siblings life.

Not cool! It is their birthday and they want to have a good time. They don't want to be embarrassed.  


You are on a first date with someone who loves to talk about anime. You are not interested in anime, but you ask thoughtful questions anyway.

Good work, girl! Great way to get to know others is to listen to what they are interested in.


While on an interview for a summer job, you ask, "So how much money do you make at this job?". Is this okay to say?

This is not okay! You might not get the job if you ask this because it is rude.


You fell asleep in your clothes last night and overslept. You decide to wear the same outfit to school to save time.

Not a good idea. Maybe change and shower before school!


You say "Hey, what's up?" When you see classmates at school on Monday morning.

Thumbs up! So good to say hi to your friends


You see your Grade 5 teacher at the grocery store. You smile and wave at them.

Good move! It's nice to say hi to others!


You honk your car horn when you pick up your date at their house. Should you do this?

Nahh! You should get out of the car and ring the door bell.


You ask your co worker to switch shifts with you but they said they can't. You get upset at them and ignore him. 

Not cool! They are just busy! You can ask another co-worker


Your sister enters the living room in a very bad mood. She pushes the chair out of her way and pulls her cap over her eyes as she slumps into the chair next to yours. What should you say?

"Are you okay?"


Name two ways you keep track of your school assignments.


Someone you don't know asks to borrow $10. You tell the person you don't have any money even though you do.

That is a bad idea. Don't give money to people you don't know! 


You're in the movie theater with your date and you get a message from your friend. You decide to sneak out of the theater and message them back.

Not cool at all! You can wait til the movie is over to return a message.


I arrive to work 5 minutes early so I can put my bag and jacket away without rushing.

Good idea! It is always better to be there a bit early so you don't need to rush.


It is your mom's birthday. You buy a bouquet of flowers on your way home to give her.

Good work. What a good idea. That will make her so happy


A classmate comes up to you and says, "What up, bad boy?" You ask him why he greets people using incorrect grammar.

That is weird dude. Your classmate doesn't want to be corrected


You hug the police officer when he gives you directions. 

Police officer are not in the blue circle! You can wave instead.


You are supposed to pick up your date at 7:00pm but you decide to show up one hour early because you had nothing else to do.

No man, that's not nice. It is too early


You know your schedule for next week so you call or email your manager/boss to let them know you can't make it.

Dope! That is called being a great employee. You will be Employee of the Month in no time!
