Careers in Medicine
Suture Lab
Med School
What degree do you need to practice medicine?
What is a MD or a D.O.
The most basic and essential surgical tool in any lab. It comes in many sizes and is used to cut through tissues. What is this instrument called?
What is a Scalpel
The two types of Suture material are either _____filament (or) _____filament. Fill in the blanks
What is "Mono" or "Multi"
True or False, Two people can have identical fingerprints
How many years does it take to complete Medical schoo;? Hint: NOT an MD/PHd program
What is 4 Years
Physicians are generally a part of 2 main groups/types; what are they?
What are Primary Care, or Specialists
Sterile, individually packaged piercing needles of different diameters and points attached to a thread that may be made of various polymers used to sew tissues together. Different threads serve different purposes. What are these called?
What are Sutures
What is the bigger size of suture, 6 or 11?
What is 6
What does the abbreviation BPA represent?
What is "Bloodstain Pattern Analysis"
What is the Admissions Test called that you must take in order to apply to medical school?
What is the "MCAT"
I practice mostly in the Intensive Care Unit, and deal with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases involving the lungs; I am a _______________.
What is a Pulmonologist
These hand held ___________ come in all shapes and sizes and are used to hold back tissue so that surgeons can operate on a point of interest without skin and muscle getting in the way. Fill in the Blank
What are Retractors
What are the two types of suture patterns that we learned about?
What are "Simple Interrupted" and "Simple Continuous "
Small drops of blood that break of from the parent spatter when the blood droplet hits a surface are called __________. Fill in the blank
What are "Satellite Spatters"
The Part of your AMCAS application where you describe why you have selected the field of medicine, or what motivates you to learn about medicine is called your _____________ ______________. Fill in the blanks.
What is you "Personal Statement"
What specialty can you sub specialize in diseases such as HIV/AIDS?
What is Infectious Disease
This instrument uses its two small feet to grab and clasp tissue using a ratchet locking mechanism and scissor grips on the long handle. What is this type of instrument called?
What is a Clamp
What is one advantage of using an "interrupted" suture pattern?
More Secure, great use in infectious sites (Either answer is acceptable)
Small drops of blood that break of from the parent spatter when the blood droplet hits a surface are called __________. Fill in the blank
What are "Satellite Spatters"
Besides getting good grades and performing well on the MCAT, what other type(s) of extra curricular activities should you get involved in?
What is "medically related" (Could be a wide variety of examples)
What internal medicine specialty focuses on the treatment of Kidney Conditions and abnormalities?
What is Nephrology
Small, absorbent drapes often used to dress patients or specimens to absorb small quantities of blood or other fluids. What is this type of drape called/referred to as?
What is a Chux
A disadvantage of this type of suture pattern is if it breaks, you lose the whole suture. What is the pattern?
What is a "Continuous/Running" pattern
What is one way blood is detected at a crime scene?
Light Source, Blood Reagent Tests ( could give a number of examples of these and be acceptable, Hema Stick, Phenyl, luminol, Fluor)
Name at least one way to practice/prepare for your Med School interview
What is: Know your resume, be able to explain your experiences, interview in front of a mirror, practice answering questions, etc.