Within-Participant Design
This type of validity focuses on the surface-level aspects of a research design
This is what the acronym spells out in EVM
Experimental Vignette Methodology
Nonrandom _______ refers to participants being placed into groups using non-random methods, which can be a substantial error when it is labeled as random
In this sampling technique, pre-existing groups, such as schools or neighborhoods, are randomly selected, rather than individual participants.
Random Cluster Sampling
This type of validity refers the generalization of theoretical principals across contexts
External Validity
Studies that focus on implicit decision-making processes where participants choose between scenarios
Policy Capturing Studies
Failing to account for ________ occurs when clustering effects are not considered by the researcher(s)
Randomized research designs are considered to be this, because of their high internal validity and their strength in obtaining evidence of causation.
The Gold Standard
This branch of psychology was found to have a higher lab-field correlation than other disciplines
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Refers to the realistic scenarios presented to participants in an EVM study
Practice of ensuring that researchers and participants do not know upcoming assignments in a randomized trial
Allocation Concealment
This type of error occurs when the null hypothesis is false and the null is rejected, but the direction of the true population difference is opposite of the direction of the observed difference
Type III Error
DISCUSSION QUESTION!! (Worth Double Points):
Provide two reasons why randomization supports experimental designs
These studies involve explicit judgements based on written scenarios
Paper People Studies
Failing to account for ________ occurs when data is ignored or improperly handled
Missing Data
This type of experimental design allows researchers to examine both the independent and interactive effects of two or more variables, often revealing hidden patterns that single-variable studies might miss.
Factorial Design
This sampling technique divides a population into distinct subgroups and then selects participants randomly from each subgroup to ensure representation.
Stratified Random Sampling
EVMs have the additional challenge of trying to exercise full control and manipulation of variables while also trying to capture this, ensuring that the study maintains real-world application
When researchers analyze each group separately for significance instead of comparing them directly, this statistical error occurs
Difference in Nominal Significance (DINS)