Cleft Sentences
Narrative Tenses
Future in the Past
Double Comparatives
Pandora's Box

love / thing / about / is / I / the / online gaming / teamwork

The thing I love about online gaming is the teamwork


We were just got onto the motorway when we heard there was a five-hou traffic jam up ahead

(correct the sentence)

We had just got onto the motorway when we heard there was a five-hou traffic jam up ahead


Create a sentence using "(just) about to"

The were (just) about to take the lift when the power went out


Why do we use double comparatives?

To show how one action has an effect on another


Tell the name of 3 egyptian gods

Anubis, Osiris and Set


is / about games /don't understand /their addictive quality / the / thing / I / that

The thing that I din't understand about games is their addictive quality


I looked up and was seeing a huge bird heading towards my ice cream

(correct the sentence)

I looked up and saw a huge bird heading towards my ice cream


Create a sentence using "might" and one using "would"

We thought we might have a chance

We were certain we would win


Create a double comparative using this:

countable noun + inferiority comparison

The fewer fruits we eat, the unhealthier we get


Why is the sky blue?

Due to the refraction of the sunlight in the atmosfere


found / how friendly / what / when playing online / people are /is / I've 

What I've found when playing online is how friendly people are 


Greg had been sitting at the computer for hours before he'd finally been realising the time

(correct the sentence)

Greg had been sitting at the computer for hours before he'd finally realised the time


Create a sentence for a general past plan or intention

We were going to go to the cinema, but the movie was not being screened anymore


Create a double comparative using this:

uncountable noun + superiority

The more engagement a post has, the more revenue it makes


What culture invented the paper?



is / different / worlds / enjoy / what / I / doing / exploring

What I enjoy doing is exploring different worlds


We were asking Mariella to help us, but she refused

(correct the sentence)

We asked Mariella to help us, but she refused


Create sentences for the situations:

a) past prediction (uncertainty)

b) describing someone else's past plans

a) He wasn't sure whether he would pass the exa

b) She didn't say anything because she was taking care of her mother


Create a double comparative using this:

countable noun + inferiority comparison

The less water you drink, the more dehydrated you become


What is considered to be the first State-City ever created?

Ur (Sumer)


like / about / most / gaming / I / ability / the thing / is / the / that / to switch off

The ability to switch off is the thing that I like most about gaming 


I looked everywhere for James, but he was already leaving

(correct the sentence)

I looked everywhere for James, but he had already left


Create sentences for the situations:

a) a past plan based on a timetable

b) a past prediction (certainty)

a) The redo of the house was due to be finished tomorrow, but it was not possible anymore

b) Real Madrid was bound to win the championship


Create 3 double comparisons using the words below:

a) far - harsh

b) information - donations

c) sustainable - profitable

a) The further south you go, the harsher the weather becomes

b) The more information you are able to get through people, the more donations you might receive

c) the less sustainable a company is, the more profitable it might be 


Who is known to have crossed the Alps with elephants?

