Does Expert Decking Apply to Rail Loading?
No. (It's expert decking, so it applies to decking only)
What is a CHE Range and who creates them?
The Foreperson at the terminal is responsible for creating CHE Ranges and these determine the area of coverage of a specific CHE
Name one issue that could come up with Expert Decking.
Overlapped CHE Ranges, use of Ctrl + A, improper strategy selection etc.
What does the 6 in MAX 6 mean?
If 6 active jobs are in the CHE Range, expert decking will not deck more.
What is the difference between an allocation group and an allocation range?
Allocation ranges specify areas of the yard where containers matching an allocation group may deck.
How is an expert decking strategy applied in production?
The Yard Planner selects the appropriate strategy and applies it to an active allocation range.
True or False: The type of CHE ranged over a block may impact how Expert Decking works
Should CHE Ranges overlap as a best practice?
This strategy should be used for a section of the yard that we wish to deck CY containers to, but only as a last resort
"CY Overflow"
Who assigns the expert decking strategy to an allocation range
the yard planner.
Name one benefit of expert decking
containers chase CHE, workload distribution, travel distance, etc.
True or False: Leaving an area of the yard has an impact on expert decking
what is the difference between ctrl + A and ctrl + shift + A
Ctrl + Shift + A incorporates CHE Chasing parameters into the decking decision.
How does the MAX8 RTG MTY Strategy deck containers?
tier by tier
Will expert decking consider deactivated allocation ranges as a possibility for decking?
True or False: “One of the purposes of expert decking is to have the CHE chase the moves instead of the move chase the CHE”
How many times does Expert Decking Apply points for Che Busy?
once per active job in the CHE's CHE zone.
How can you access the glossary of Navis terms
in N4 Help, which is opened in N4.
How would you set up a strategy to prevent berth 3 to pod 3 travel?
Set the allocation range ED Parameter set to ALT#3
Give one example of when you should have multiple allocation ranges over a block
CY lanes have 20 & 40 allocations double ranged.
Explain the difference between a stacking factor and a section factor.
Section factors determine what sorts of units are permitted to deck in the same block while stacking factors determine what sorts of units are permitted to deck in the same stack.
List all types of moves that count towards CHE Busy.
All Active moves (TT or Street Truck on the way to the block, plus any marked moves including in-block moves)
Where can you go to see the calculation history of where a container decked?
How are the MAX6 SPLIT HV AND LT strategies used?
To deck smaller sorts of exports over a segment of the yard, double ranged over each other.
Name a situation where a container will FAIL to deck in a block, even if it matches the allocation group for the range.
CHE busy limit is reached, allocation range is deactivated, block is mixed sort or mixed length, etc.