What's in a name?
That's the name of the game
ooh, that's a bad name!
You Name it!
Last name first, first name last.





idea; motivation


When did Lucus and Rod become friends?

a. since kindergarten

b. since the current year

c. since the pizza party

a. since kindergarten


How do we know Rod was lying to Lucus when he told him he completed the assignment?

a. because he hesitated before he told him.

b. because Rod always makes up stories

c. because Rod is creative

a. because he hesitated before he told him.


How did the girl in class inspire Rod to write his essay?

a. when she sang, it sounded like a moose

b. her last name was Pepper-Mintz

c. because kids made fun of Lucus' name

b. her last name was Pepper-Mintz



to guide; help





Which profession did Rod choose?

a. truck driver

b. name expert

c. teacher

d. baseball player

b. name expert


Why did Rod get a hive on his neck?

a. He always gets hives when the weather in warm.

b. He was nervous because he knew he did not start his essay.

c. He is allergic to pizza.

b. He was nervous because he knew he did not start his essay.


Why is the title of the story "Experts Incorporated"?

a. because that is the name Lucus thought of if he and Rod became partners

b. because Lucus thought if all the kids with bad names got together, they could form a company

c. Because Rod thought of becoming a name expert

a. because that is the name Lucus thought of if he and Rod became partners








How is the setting connected to the main problem in the story?

a. it occurs on the way to school

b. it centers on lunch time at school

c. it centers on a school assignment

c. it centers on a school assignment


What was the assignment that Mrs. Greenburg gave to the students?

a. What do you want to be when you grow up?

b. Which profession is better, doctor or lawyer?

c. What is your favorite pizza topping?

a. What do you want to be when you grow up?


Why did Rod choose his profession?

a. he wants to advise people about what NOT to name their kids

b.  he wants to change his name 

c. he wants Lucus to be his partner

a. he wants to advise people about what NOT to name their kids





What was the main problem in the story?

a. Lucus was embarrassed when kids made fun of his name

b. Rod didn't finish his assignment

c. The class had their pizza party 

b. Rod didn't finish his paper


How does Lucus' opinion of Rodney's idea change throughout the story? 

a. At first, Lucus thinks the idea is dumb, but later thinks it's a great idea.

B. He thought Rod's idea was a great one right from the beginning.

C. Lucus thought the idea was dumb, and still does.

a. At first, Lucus thinks the idea is dumb, but later thinks it's a great idea.


Why does Rod think is the reason that he and Lucus became such good friends?

a. they have a lot in common

b. they both have "bad names."

c. they have the same birthday

b. they both have "bad names."


Why was Rodney relieved when he handed Mrs. Greenburg his paper?

a. because he was happy that he completed the assignment

b. because he had avoided ruining the pizza party and managed to plan his entire future

c. because now he will not fail the class

b. because he had avoided ruining the pizza party and managed to plan his entire future





Why was it difficult for Rod to write an essay on what he wants to be when he grows up?

a. He had so many ideas that he couldn't decide on one.

b. He just did not want to complete the assignment

c. He had no idea what he wanted to be.

c. He had no idea what he wanted to be. 


Why did Lucus ask Rodney if he finished his essay?

a. because he wanted to make sure that the class would have the pizza party

b. because he wanted to help Rod get a good grade

c. because he just wanted to make sure his friend completed it 

a. because he wanted to make sure that the class would have the pizza party


Why does Rod think he has a bad name?

a. because Rod rhymes with pod and Curtain rhymes with certain

b. because his last name is Curtain

c. because if you say his last name first, his name becomes curtain rod.

c. because if you say his last name first, his name becomes curtain rod.


How was Rod given time to write his essay in class?

a. the teacher assigned the essay as class work

b. the teacher was going to collect the assignment after lunch

c. the teacher was going to allow the assignment to be one day late

b. the teacher was going to collect the assignment after lunch
