Analyzing Pictures
Textual Reasoning
Exploration Activities, or questions
True or False
(must explain)

On the map with color coded plates which colors mean what. (First picture in the expl)

Red Transformation Boundary, Green Divergent Boundary, Orange Convergent Boundary.


What are all of the physical features that can be of result due to a transformation boundary besides a earthquake

cliffs, narrow valleys, rugged hills and mountains, and low basins


The boundary between the North American plate and the Caribbean plate is characterized by----- . Earthquakes are ----- along the boundary.

"A strike-slip fault zone”



What is the Divergent boundary, describe the movement.

moves away


Transform Boundaries can only connect Divergent B - DB, and Convergent B - CB.

False it can also connect DB - CB.


A long transform fault forms the boundary between the Scotia plate and the South America plate in the South Atlantic Ocean (second picture in the expl)

What is Scotia Transform Boundary


How do scientists interpret transform faults on satellite, and sonar?

They do so by observing sudden linear changes in landforms.


Which of the following statements are true about simplified maps of plate boundaries?



What is a Convergent boundary, describe the movement

comes together, and forces crust to rise


Does the seismic wave from a transforming fault caused earthquake travel in a concentrated direction on the specific slip up in the plates?

False it sends out powerful seismic waves in every direction


A continental transform fault that forms a tectonic boundary between the Pacific plate and the North American plate. (second picture in the expl)

San Andreas Fault


What do transformation boundaries enable?

They enable motion between two convergent boundaries, two divergent boundaries, or a convergent and divergent boundary.


What can a model such as the model of plate boundaries be used for?

It can be used to infer the locations of plate boundaries in general. In addition, each type of plate boundary has a specific set of features and processes which can all be observed using the model thus, by examining where features and processes occur relative to each other, we can infer where each type of boundary is present.


What is a fault, and give me 3 examples explaining each

A fracture of zone of fractures

1.San Andreas fault  

2.Scotia transform boundary   

3.Alpine fault   


Due to transform boundaries, powerful earthquake potential they are closely linked with volcanic activity?

False, unlike divergent and convergent boundaries, however, there is almost no volcanic activity associated with transform boundaries (there is little or no magma available at plate boundaries).


On the color coded map what Convergent Boundaries, and Divergent Boundaries are directly connected with a Transformative Boundary (name the plates) (first picture in the expl)

Eurasian/or Indian - African plate


Why do Transformation boundaries cause significant earthquakes.

Due to the transformations uneven movement leading to a stress build up, releasing enormous amounts of energy when the rocks slips at once.


What can a model such as the model of plate boundaries not be used for?

We cannot use these type of models to infer that plate boundaries are smooth and continuous as that is an inaccurate representation.


What is a transforming boundary describe the movement, and give an example

Is when two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally. The movement at transforming boundaries is primarily lateral, with the plates moving in opposite directions or in the same direction at different speeds. An example of a tetonic plate boundary is the San Andreas Fault.


Due to the earths curved nature mid-ocean ridges, cannot separate, and move over without the connection of transformation faults?

True, they need the faults in order to connect the segment like boundaries


What does the “Transform Faults Along Mid-Ocean Ridges” picture explain.

The picture explains the exact process in which transformation faults connect mid-ocean ridges segments allowing them to separate, and move over earth's curved surface


What is the reasoning behind that it is not possible for all boundaries to be divergent, or convergent.

Because Earth is not growing, shrinking, or changing shape significantly, so it is not possible for all boundaries to be divergent or convergent as it would force the earth to drastically change in proportion.


Why do we say that it is a “simplified” model?

We say that it is a simplified model as many details are left out, or unclarified. 


Explain the importance of transforming Boundaries on earth

Without transforming boundaries it would be impossible for the other boundaries to coexist the way they do, and it would end up tearing the world, and altering its shape.


The major difference between lithospheric transformation faults, and seafloor transform faults is that the seafloor faults tend to have more continuous energy increasing the amount of earthquakes but decreasing the magnitude?

True, the energy along these faults is much more frequent due to the much more frequent movement in the seafloor faults.
