What is something you have control over to help you prevent another stroke?
If you DRINK alcohol- do so in moderation
What is a Few symptoms of a stroke that you might experience?
SUDDEN- numbness or weakness of face, arm, leg especially on one side of the body.
SUDDEN- confusion
SUDDEN- trouble with vision
SUDDEN- trouble walking
SUDDEN- severe headache
what are the two types of strokes?
Ischemic stroke- most common type of stroke.
Hemorrhagic stroke- happens when a blood vessel in the brain bursts & spills blood into & around the brain.
If i have a stroke on the right side of my brain, will my right side be affected?
No, the brain criss crosses. so on the right side of brain will affect the left side of the body.
What is a physical change that can occur after a stroke?
Moving parts of my body, & vision.
If i have high cholesterol, how do I lower it?
cholesterol is the fat-like substance in the blood.
studies show that ideal total cholesterol should be about 150 mg/dl. which equals about 100mg/dl for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). Lower cholesterol levels are linked with lower rates of heart disease & stroke.
What does BEFAST mean in relation to strokes?
B= balance
E= eyes
F= face
A= arms
S= speech
T= time- call 911
what are the two different types of hemorrhagic stroke?
they are intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
the stroke damages a certain part of the brain, that part may not work as well as before. Will i ever get it back?
YES, however, you have to put the work in. Repetition is the key. You are here for that purpose, the sooner you work that part the quicker you will get it back. So, walking, talking, swallowing, bathing, dressing, memory, sequencing, understanding your surroundings. This is being done in many ways with all of your therapies, walking with PT, bathing, dressing with OT, swallowing, speaking with ST, and Trivia, socializing, brain games with TR.
why am I incontinent after my stroke?
sometimes you can become incontinent of bowel or bladder after a stroke, depending on where in the brain your stroke was.
So we will be working on controlling bowel and bladder while you are here to train it again. (RETRAIN THE BRAIN).
What if i have diabetes, high cholesterol, and my diet is high is salt & trans fat? Would that contribute to having a stroke?
YES! If you have diabetes, follow your health care provider advice carefully to control you sugar level.
Exercise daily to lower cholesterol. A brisk walk, swim or yard work can help lower that and improve your health. do 20-30 minutes for a brisk walk daily.
reduce your intake of salt, & saturated fats/ trans fats to help you keep heart healthy & lower stroke.
What is a stroke?
Arteries- are blood vessels that carry blood to the brain from the heart. THE BRAIN NEEDS CONSTANT SUPPLY OF BLOOD, WHICH CARRIES, O2 AND NUTRIENTS IT NEEDS TO FUNCTION.
a Stroke occurs when one of these arteries to the brain is either blocked or bursts. as a result part of the brain does not get the blood it needs, so it starts to die.
what can cause a hemorrhagic stroke?
High blood pressure and aneurysms can make blood vessels weak enough to burst.
Do i need rest breaks after a stroke?
YES, mental and physical rest breaks are needed to give your brain and body time to relax. We all think better with rest, hydration and good nutrition.
Conserving Energy is a great way to help prevent another stroke, what are some daily things you can do to help do this?
Position items you use daily close to you in easy to reach places. Do as many activities in a sitting position as possible and use adaptive devices (like a Reacher) to make tasks easier.
I sometimes have shortness of breath, get agitated with loud noise and lights bother me, why does this happen?
Stress can make SOB worse, be sure to go to a quiet space, listen to calming music, or do yoga to help relieve that stress.
Today you have several tasks you want to complete; how can you do this to fit everything in the day and not feel overwhelmed?
PRIORITIZE what needs to be done this day, move some tasks to another day if able. delegate certain tasks to other family members to help you be in a calmer space. ie: laundry, dishes, housekeeping chores.
I have family coming over and sometimes going out into the community, what should i do ahead of time?
Pace out your chores/tasks to conserve your energy so you don't wear yourself out.
What can i do ahead of time to plan out my task to conserve my energy?
Plan ahead: space strenuous activities & difficult task evenly throughout the week. be sure to add rest breaks to your day.