What is explicit memory?
Memory that requires conscious recall, such as facts and personal recall.
What is implicit memory?
Memory that does not require conscious recall and is demonstrated through performance rather than recollection.
What are the two main types of explicit memory?
Semantic memory and episodic memory.
What is procedural memory?
A type of implicit memory that involves skills and habits, such as riding a bike.
A patient with amnesia cannot recall meeting someone but still improves at playing a song on the piano over time. What type of memory is being used?
Implicit memory (specifically procedural memory).
What part of the brain is primarily involved in explicit memory?
The hippocampus
What part of the brain is most associated with implicit memory?
The basal ganglia and cerebellum.
Give an example of semantic memory.
Knowing that Paris is the capital of France.
What is priming?
A type of implicit memory in which prior exposure to a stimulus influences response to a later stimulus.
If you take a multiple-choice test about psychology concepts, which type of memory are you using?
Explicit memory (specifically recognition).
Name one method used to measure explicit memory.
Free recall, cued recall, or recognition tasks.
What is the main way implicit memory is tested?
Through tasks such as priming, procedural tasks, and word completion tests.
Give an example of episodic memory.
Remembering your 10th birthday party.
Give an example of a skill learned through implicit memory.
Typing on a keyboard without looking at the keys.
A person who sees a list of words including "butter" is later more likely to complete the word stem "bu_ _ _" with "butter" rather than another word. What type of memory is this?
Implicit memory (specifically priming).