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Francais, S'il Vous Plait
Exlporers & Important People
In the 1600's, the King of France gave large pieces of land to these wealthy people who would then rent the land to farmers known as habitants.
Who were seigneurs?
While the Spanish & Portugese were exploring Latin America, France & England sent ships further north. What caused them to do this? They were hoping to find a water route through North America called this.
What was the Northwest Passage?
The colors of France's flag are just like those in the American flag, but with a different design, of course!
What are red, white, and blue?
The highest social class in the Spanish colonies was made up of peninsulares who were settlers born in Spain. Creoles canme next in rank and consisted of people born to Spanish parents, in Mexico. The lower classes consisted of mestizos and this group.
Who were mulattos?
This Italian explorer sailed for England and encountered many fish off the coast of Newfoundland, one of Canada's Provinces.
Who was John Cabot?
This road system, built across Mexico, linked missions with forts, for protection purposes.
What was El Camino Real?
Colonies were settlements ruled by anotehr country. Europeans developed colonies to protect land claims and for this reason.
What was trade?
France's second colony in Canada, Montreal, was set up along the St. Lawrence River, west of this city, their first colony.
What is Quebec?
Latin American viceroyalties were colonies in Latin America ruled by a viceroy, or representative of the king. Another more American name for this representative is this.
What is a governor?
Speaking out against the cruel treatment of Native American workers, this man convinced the Spanish King to ban Native American slavery in the 1500's.
Who was Bartolome de las Casas?
Many French traders, known as voyageurs, had children with Native American women. Their children were called this.
What is Metis?
Improved ships known as caravels, along with tools like the astrolab and compass, helped explorers improve needed skills in this area.
What was navigation?
This item was traded by the Native Canadians in exchange for goods such as beads and blankets that they could get from French settlers in New France.
What was fur?
In 1493, the Pope settled a disagreement bewteen Spain and Portugal by dividing conquered land in Latin America. To do so, he drew this.
What was the Lind of Demarcation?
This English explorer discovered a large waterway in northern Canada while looking for the Northwest Passage. When his ship was caught in icy waters that winter, his angry crew abandoned him. This explorer never set foot in England again.
Who was Henry Hudson?
In ther Americas during the 1700's, some Spanish and Portugese colonists owned these self-sufficient, self-supporting communities.
What were haciendas?
Roman Catholic priests were sent from France to the new colonies in Canada. They weren't being banned from their country, but instead, they had a mission to complete. Native Canadians would understand Christianity as a result of the work of these priests, known as these.
Who were missionaries?
This French leader was given the name, "the Great Intendant", because he created new jobs and attracted more people to New France. He started a shipbuilding yard in New France's first colony and set up whaling and mining industries in Canada. No wonder he was so well-liked!
Who was Jean Talon?
The Spanish were not looking for a Northwest Passage. Instead, they were exploring Latin America looking for new land and this valuable good.
What was gold?
This Incan emporer stood his ground and defended his people and their beliefs by refusing to accept Christianity or Spanish rule. Unfortunately, the greedy Spanish explorer, Francisco Pizarro, killed him and took over the Inca Empire.
Who was Atahuallpa?
Spanish explorers who conquered land for Spain were known by this name in the late 1400's.
Who were conquistadors?
In the 1500's, Europeans would sail to Africa and trade manufactured goods for slaves. The enslaved people were shipped to the Americas and traded as if they weren't even human, for goods such as sugar and coffee. These goods were brought back to Europe, completing the cycle known as this.
What was triangular trade?
They most likey did not wear Nike sneakers, but they did run a lot. These French people were found "running" in the woods, trapping animals for trade purposes.
Who were coureurs de bois?
The Spanish & Portugese were responsible for the cruel act of enslaving African people. They did so because when the colonies grew, they didn't have enough of these.
What were Native American slaves?
This Spanish explorer worked with the Native American translator, Malintzin, to capture the Aztec emporer, Motechuzoma. Supported by 650 soldiers, he destroyed Tenochtitlan and built Mexico City, the capital of Spain's new empire.
Who was Hernando Cortes?