
Who conquered the Incas?

Francisco Pizarro


Who conquered the Aztecs?

Hernan Cortés


Who brought over potatoes from America to Europe first?

Christopher Colombus


Who is Columbus?

Columbus is a Spanish explorer that discovered the Americas and explored to other countries.  He devolved effective trade routes to manage trade between the Americas and explored many different territories.


Who did Cortes work for?

Claimed Mexico for Spain


When were the Incas conquered?

In 1572


What was the name of the city the Aztecs built?



What tribe or country did corn originate from?



When did coulombs begin his first voyage for the Americas?

In 1492


When did Cortes conquer the Aztecs?

In 1519


Why was the Inca civilization built on the mountains?

Vacation spot which is warmer than Cuzco or built a a religious site or a combination of both theories 


Why did living on a lake help their civilization?

Living on a lake was an important part of feeding the citizens in society and for defense.  The technological advancement at the time for Natives was very impressive.  The water was easier to transport food and water across the city.  The gardens developed increased the amount of crops they made in a year.  It was very hard to penetrate the city because invaders would have to cross the complex water ways before they could reach the city.


Why was trade highly involved with bringing new foods to plant in different lands?

So new countries can plant and produce new crops that could only be brought over from the Americans?


Why did Columbus get thrown in jail for 6 months?

He was accused of rape, torture, and killing Natives.


Why did he conquer the Aztecs?

Cortes mostly did it for the fame and for the money. He did it for his country to gain fame but not for the of the people in his home country.  The gold was a very important aspect of the reasons that Cortes did it that we have documented.


How was the Inca empire built?

Most buildings were built with stones sourced from local mountains most of the material was actually brought up by men and not animals as many commonly believe.  Technology allowed for better quality transportation of materiel such as levers, pulleys, and more


How were some ways Cortes conquered this civilization?

He brought disease and guns which eventually lead to the destruction of this ancient civilization.


How did bringing new foods to the Americans affect the life span of many tribes?

The diversity in diet from new crops and animals brought over by the Europeans allowed many of the tribes to eat different foods which provided diverse nutrition and allowed many of the natives live longer...


How did Columbus get money to explore?

Was turned down by the kings of Portugal, France, and England for funding.  Eventually it was Spain's King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella agreed to finance his journey.  They provided ships and other goods to help get Columbus back and forth across the journey.


How did Cortes die?

pleurisy-lining of the lungs are inflamed causing pain when breathing and sometimes death if not treated correctly

The knowledge as far as Health goes they didn't know but it is now more treatable today.


What if the Inca civilization wasn't conquered?

That part of Meso America wouldn't have been explored as well and the advancement of civilization maybe wouldn't have been there.  The civilization wouldn't have had disease and more peoples ancestors would have been alive to have kids and flourish so most of the blood is Spanish related as a result of the disease.


What if the Aztecs had defeated Cortes?

Cortes not only conquered the Aztecs but went on to conquer many other civilization.  As a result both the Meso Americans and Europeans wouldn't have been able to develop as quickly. Many of the civilizations that Cortes conquered wouldn't exist and overall it would have prevented advancement as well as disease and other awful things the Spanish did as well as good things.


What if trade between the Americas and the Europeans didn't happen?

Many of the people wouldn't have been able to produce many different crops.  As a result the culture of both continents wouldn't have had advanced as efficiently.  The trade allowed for more diverse diets and a basic new age of agriculture.


What if Columbus didn't go

The only reason King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella agreed to finance him was to gain information and new goods.  Without Columbus we could be generations behind advancement of our own society today.  Basically if he hadn't explored we would have less spices, building goods, food, and more.  Disease and other bad things like slave trade may not have been possible.  Most likely more explorers would have done his job and he wouldn't have the fame that he has today.


What if Cortes had decided to explore somewhere else?

The Aztecs could have advanced furthermore and developed a better defense for when intruders came.  At the time they had no idea on the type of weapons that the Spanish had at the time.  Cortes may have gone somewhere else even on a different continent which would have delayed the advancement of society in the Americas
