God, Gold, and Glory. What are these?
Reasons for trade.
What is perspective?
The method of using math to create the appearance of depth in art.
Europe, Africa, and Asia; the known world to Europeans BEFORE Columbus.
what is Mercantilism?
the idea that a nation's existence depended on wealth from having colonies to provide natural resources in order to create a balance of trade.
What is Transatlantic Slave Trade?
The importation of slaves to the New World from Africa as a source of cheap labor on working plantations.
Who was Christopher Columbus?
The explorer who discovered the Americas or "new world', also credited with startign Columbian trade.
What was the New world?
the name given by Europeans to the Americas, which were unknown to most Europeans before the voyages of Christopher Columbus.
Why was gold so important?
Gold brought wealth and power to whatever country obtained it.
What is Columbian exchange?
Columbian exchange was the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, and ideas between the Americas and the Old World
Who was Prince Henry the Navigator?
started a navigation school in Portugal; wanted to find an all-water route around Africa to India/Asia
What where some crops/animals from Europe/Africa that went to the Americas?
horses, sugarcane, cows, sheep.
Why where spices so expensive?
They weren't found in Europe and only in Asia so the difficulty to aquire them made the prices rise.
What is "middle passage"?
The stage of the triangular trade in which millions of people from Africa were shipped to the New World as part of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Who was Marco Polo?
Explorer who inspired other explorers to voyage out and find new lands.
What where some crops/animals that came from America and where shiped to Europe/Africa?
Corn, tobacco, potatoes, peanuts, tomatoes, chocolate.
What country controlled most of south America?
Spain controlled a lot of south America mainly the west coast.
What was triangular trade?
A three way system of trade during 1600-1800s Africa sent slaves to the Americas, the Americas sent raw materials to Europe, and Europe sent guns and rum to Africa.
What is humanism?
the belief in the potential of man or the individual.
What is Colonization?
when a group of people leaves their native country to form in a new land a settlement that is connected to the parent nation.
what did where the instruments used to find your location if you knew time of year and day called?
The instruments where called Astrobles