Famous Explorers
Where in the world?
New technology
A person who travels to unknown places to learn about them.
What is an explorer?
An Italian explorer who sailed for Spain to find a route to Asia by going west.
Who is Christopher Columbus?
The country from where Columbus left to explore.
What is Spain?
People who had been living in the Americas for thousands of years before Europeans arrived and began to settle here.
Who are Native Americans?
An instrument invented by the Portuguese, used for taking angular measurements of altitude in astronomy and navigation, typically consisting of a graduated quarter circle and a sighting mechanism.
What is a quadrant?
A valuable metal that explorers were looking for.
What is gold?
An English explorer who made several journeys to the Americas and also led expeditions in search of the legendary ‘El Dorado’. He was also granted a royal patent to explore Virginia in America.
Who is Sir Walter Raleigh?
The name Columbus gave to the island where he first landed.
What is San Salvador.
Hernando Cortés, in 1519 led a small army of Spanish and Native Americans against this Empire of Mexico.
Who were the Aztecs?
A device used by ships' officers to measure the elevation angle of the noontime Sun above the horizon, which allowed them to estimate their latitude.
What is a cross staff?
The group of sailors who do the work involved in sailing a ship. Also, people who work on or operate a ship or aircraft; a group of people who work together.
What is a crew?
An Italian navigator and explorer. In 1497, he discovered parts of North America (later named Newfoundland) This is widely considered to be the first European discovery of North America since the Viking journeys of the 11th Century.
Who was John Cabot?
The country where Columbus was born.
What is Italy?
The name of the first people Columbus encountered when he landed in what he thought was India.
Who are the Taino?
An instrument invented by the Chinese containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it.
What is a compass?
Valuable plants and powders that Europeans wanted to get from Asia.
What are spices?
A Portuguese explorer who was the first European to reach India by sea. He made a direct voyage to India – travelling around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa – arriving in Calicut in 1498.
Who is Vasco de Gama?
The continent that Columbus was trying to get to, and where he thought he had landed.
What is Asia?
The monarchs who paid for Columbus' voyages to the Americas.
Who are King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
A small, fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship of the 15th–17th centuries.
What is a caravel?
Finding the correct direction in a ship, car or other vehicle.
What is navigation?
A British explorer who made ground breaking voyages to the Pacific Ocean. He made the first European contact with Eastern coast of Australia and he chartered the islands of the Pacific from New Zealand to Hawaii.
Who is James Cook?
The name of the continent where Columbus actually landed when he thought he had arrived in Asia.
What is South America?
An expedition under Francisco Pizarro overwhelmed this Empire of Peru, securing for the Spaniards the great silver mines of Potosí.
Who were the Inca?
A device invented by the Arabians,that helped sailors measure objects in the sky such as stars, planets, the moon and Sun. After measurements were taken, the use of star charts then helped them to determine their location.
What is an astrolabe?