Character Traits
Author's Purpose

Jean is a straight A student who also plays sports, volunteers, and has many friends. Which BEST describes Jean?

  1. Funny

  2. Cool 

  3. Well-rounded

  4. A good person



A theme must be:

A. Very specific to each individual story

B. Broad enough to apply to many stories 

B. Broad enough to apply to many stories


“Ouch!” Lucy had fallen again! She shivered and picked herself back up. Then she spotted her older sister, Sarah, gliding backwards. She made it look so easy!

What are Lucy and Sarah doing?

Ice Skating


What are the 4 different types of conflict?

Character vs. …

  1. Self

  2. Character

  3. Society

  4. Nature


A famous chef writes a cookbook including all of their most popular recipes. What is the author’s purpose?



Mary had been trying to solve the same math problem for an hour. She kept writing and rewriting the problem over and over again. When she kept getting the wrong answer, she put her hands on her head, leaned back in her chair and said, “I quit!!” How would you describe Mary?

  1. Frustrated

  2. Excited

  3. Spiteful

  4. Critical 


True or False: The theme should be a statement, NOT just one word



The line stretched forever. People put their bags on the floor and inched them forward. My father and I walked through the metal detector. There was an announcement about a gate change and a delay on an arrival from Chicago.

Where am I?



Which type of conflict is an INTERNAL conflict? Character vs. …

Character vs. Self


A streaming service company publishes an article on the harmful consequences of password sharing, advising subscribers against it. What is the author’s purpose?



Jose was jumping up and down and watching out the window. He could not wait for his mother to get home. She was bringing his new baby sister home for the first time. He wanted to see her and play with her for the first time. How would you describe Jose? 

  1. Upset

  2. Excited

  3. Disappointed



How are theme and central idea different?

  1. Central idea applies to one specific story, theme can apply to many

  2. Theme applies to one story, central idea can apply to many

  1. Central idea applies to one specific story, theme can apply to many


The people clapped as Michael sat down. He cracked his knuckles before skillfully tapping the black and white keys. The audience clapped when he finished. 

What is Michael doing?

Playing the piano


Which type of conflict is the following scenario: 

Leah’s parents warn her not to ice skate on the frozen pond in their backyard. She decides to do so anyway and falls through the ice! She now has to break through enough ice to get back to the yard without freezing.

Character vs. Nature


An author decides to turn their story into a play to help make it visual for the audience. What is the author’s purpose?



Daisy worked hard at every practice she went to. She kicked the soccer ball in her front yard for about an hour each day. When her coach told her she needed to fix things, she listened carefully and did what he said. Daisy is…

  1. Lazy

  2. Smart

  3. Dedicated



What is the theme of this passage? 

 John and his brother Mike were excited to get tickets to the new Batman movie. John wanted to get to the theater as soon as they opened to ensure they could get tickets. Mike wanted to sleep in, and had no doubt that there would be plenty of tickets later in the day. Instead of going at 9:00am, the boys went at 2pm.  Much to their dismay, the tickets were sold out, and they could not see Batman that day! John was frustrated, and told Mike "I told you so!"

Don't procrastinate


Boom! Crack! It is the Fourth of July and everyone is laughing and cheering as fireworks light up the sky. Rose’s dog Rufus runs under the bed. 

Why did Rufus run under the bed?

To hide; Rufus is scared of the fireworks.


Which type of conflict is the following scenario: 

Alice wants to play football but everyone says that she can't because she is a girl. 

Character vs. Society


A political candidate runs a commercial on why they are the right person to vote for. What is the author’s purpose?



Hudson does not want anyone to help him with his chores, Even though there are a lot of clothes to put away, he wants to do it all by himself. He wants everyone to stay out of his room when he is cleaning it so he can do it all alone. Hudson is…

  1. Bossy

  2. Friendly

  3. Independent 



What is the theme of this passage? 

Eliza went to 6 Flags for the first time. She was excited to ride all of the rides. Well, all except Kingda Ka-- one of the tallest, steepest roller coasters in America! She worried it wouldn't be safe; she also worried that she would throw up! She rode every other ride to build up her courage. Eventually, she decided just to go through with it and ride Kingda Ka! After she rode it the first time, she rode it another 3 times! Kingda Ka is now Eliza's  favorite roller coaster, and she rides it every time she goes to Six Flags.

Don’t be afraid to face your fears


The inference equation is 

______ + ________ = Inference

What I Know + Clues/Evidence from the text 


Which type of conflict is the following scenario:

Jack wants to ask Sally to the school dance, but he is very nervous. 

Character vs. Self


The author of a best selling novel writes a sequel. What is the author’s purpose?

