During the 21st conference of the parties, this is how many nations signed the Paris Agreement.
There are this many Earth Statement requirements
This method of carbon capture involves sprinkling iron into the ocean to facilitate microorganism CO2 sequestration.
Ocean fertilization
Why can’t we just capture emissions at power plants instead of releasing them to the atmosphere. (reduces efficiency/increases costs)
reduces efficiency and increases costs
This general category of energy production is becoming increasingly more cost-effective than fossil fuels.
(Renewable energy)
This greenhouse gas is the most abundant in the atmosphere.
Water vapor - not anthropogenic
This temperature increase is the internationally agreed upon target to stay at or below.
This is the only Earth statement requirement left out of the Paris Agreement
Explicit carbon budget
This is the name for the most expensive and uncertain methods of carbon capture
Direct Air Capture
This is how many gigatons of CO2 are being emitted into the atmosphere every year on a global scale.
40 GtCO2/yr
Despite being the 2nd largest emitter of CO2, this nation’s CO2 emissions are slowly starting to fall.
This type of energy is what GHGs absorb and re-emit, causing the greenhouse effect.
Infrared radiation
These agreements were brought to COP21 by every contributing nation and set individualized nation standards for emissions reductions.
NDC - Nationally Determined Contributions
This is the proposal made by Rockstrom et al. to put the scientific community on the right path to curbing emissions
global zero carbon roadmap
This is created by burning organic waste, crops or manure without oxygen
Biochar or biofuel
Rather than as an emissions technology, some argue that carbon capture will more likely be adopted as a what technology?
This is referred to as “a cost for putting garbage in the atmosphere” by Conniff
Carbon Tax
GHGs do this to Earth’s temperature?
While addressing the climate change crisis, the Paris Agreement doesn’t include the critical phrase.
Fossil Fuels
These three are the goals that the Earth Statement aims to achieve.
Decarbonization, Negative Emissions, Biosphere Resilience
This is the amount of carbon that will need to be removed to limit global warming to 1.5℃.
Preindustrial humans began significantly affecting the atmosphere by doing what?
Burning wood/biomass
This is the term used to describe a scenario where temperatures initially exceed the target temperature.
This type of global warming is caused by GHGs that are already in the atmosphere.
Committed Warming
The PA defined endgoals, but didn’t describe what?
This is the maximum allowed cumulative CO2 emissions since 2011 “budget” Rockstrom advises.
1 Trillion Tons
The concept that we can’t just add up Carbon capture. (Portfolio of Fixes/Methods)
(Portfolio of Fixes/Methods)
Climate scientists urge nations to pursue what type of economy?
Fossil Fuel Free
CO2 must be reduced to decrease long term warming, however what must be reduced to prevent short term warming.
Short Lived Climate Forcers/ SLCF
This GHG oxidizes in the atmosphere, turning into CO2.