Example of a question the CEO always asks?
How much money
How much time
What is the program
Whats next
Name one of the career exploring fields
what is...
arts and humanities
engineering and technology
fire and ems
health care
law & government
law enforcement
skilled trade
social services
Name one of the 5 most popular and successful posts to start in your area.
law enforcement
Whatever subject is most popular in your area
How many adult leaders are needed for a Exploring Post?
What is 4?
Define an open house
What is a...
recruitment event
hands on activities
exploring join scouting night
make the ask to join the program
Answer the CEOs question, "what do they youth get out of this"?
What is...
Leadership development
career training
social skills
ethical decision making
Name a section of Exploring. org that features ideas for events and meetings
What is activity library
Name first of the four phases of starting an exploring program
What is...
Phase 1- Research
Focus on top 25 interests. Guidance counselors will support your program - if it looks like students will be enriched by enrollment. Most surveys are already completed but it doesn't hurt to ask, data may be available with guidance counselors. Law enforcement, Hospital and Fire Department.
What is the current membership fee for 1 youth for 12 months.
What is $24
The best time to get a Post registered is now! They can register for the remainder of the year for just $24 per youth and adult.
Exploring Recharter is called?
What is renewal
Answer the CEO's question, "Who runs the program"?
What is...
Adult Leaders Volunteers
Youth officers
Special guests
Name the second phase of starting an exploring program
What is Phase 2-Leadership
Organization commitment, identify 4-8 Adult Leaders for Posts, 2-4 Adults for Clubs. More leaders equals more resources.
Name the two Adult leader positions for a club
What is Sponsor and Associate Sponsor
Safety guidelines are especially important in these career fields
What is...
Law Enforcement
Fire and EMS
Skilled Trade
Getting a "No" from an organization is usually because of this
Educating your customer is the number one way to overcome common objections.
Name a supplemental training for adult leaders
what is...
ride-along safety
safe swim defense
safety afloat
weather hazards
Name the third phase of starting an exploring program
What is Phase 3 - Program
Complete Training Online and paperwork with all appropriate signatures.
Brainstorm hands on activities for Open House.
Develop 4 month calendar.
Delegate tasks.
Name the four adult leader positions for a post
What is a...
Post Committee Chair
Post Committee Members (2)
Define the memo of understanding
what is...
a form that is signed by the district executive and the executive officer that explains the requirements for participating in the learning for life program
The number one thing you should do on a sales call
Pay close attention to the other person's choice of words, their tone of voice and their body language (which accounts for at least 80% of communication).
Name one of the awards and recognitions listed on Exploring.org
What is...
learning for life foundation society award
career achievement award
career awareness award
congressional award
journey to excellence
leadership award
Name the final phase of starting an Exploring program.
What is Phase 4- Participation
Promote Open House, Social Media Promo, Personal letters and phone calls, School announcements, Career/College Fair Booths.
How many adult leaders are needed for a Exploring Club?
What is 2?
Unlike a Post a Club only needs 2 Adults to register.
Name the benefits for a school, to participate in a career interest survey
What is...
keeps them in compliance with state mandated career planning
information is not given to an third party- unlike other organizations
council generates the results