Strategies for Choosing a Major
Adult Learning Cycle to Exploring Majors and Careers (Hint** the five questions)
Your Portfolio
Interviewing Strategies
Take Charge of Your Career
Major and career planning beings with ___________. People are happiest when they do work that is consistent with their values, interests, abilities and skills. When your job is an extension and expression of who you are, you experience joy and fulfillment.
What is Assess Yourself?
Why do I want to learn this?
What is Relate?
You may need to include a ______ with the title of your document, your name, the name of the college and the date. You can also put your own logo or artwork to make it unique.
What is Title Page?
Use every question as an opportunity to show how your skills relate to the job.
What is Relate Your Experience to the Job?
Not only does networking help you land your first job, but also you’ll attain many subsequent jobs based on whom you know.
What is Keep Networking?
Your school may have an interdisciplinary major, a self-designed major, or a broad liberal arts major that allows you to take a wide range of courses in areas that interest you.
What is Be Creative With Your Major?
What can I do with this?
What is Do?
Once you have completed your list of significant life experiences, you are ready to identify and describe what you learned and how you learned it.
What is Analysis of Accomplishments?
In most situations, you will be safe if you wear clean, pressed, conservative business clothes in a neutral color. Your nails and hair should be clean, trimmed and neat. Keep make up light and wear little jewelry.
What is Dress Appropriately?
Technology has affected and will only continue to shape future job opportunities.
What is Watch Job Trends?
Get involved through internships, co-ops, volunteer work, part-time jobs and service learning activities offering hands-on experience.
What is Gain Experience?
What does this mean?
What is Reflect?
In the _________, discuss the purpose of your portfolio and the goals you are trying to achieve with its development.
What is Introduction?
Don’t ask about the benefits, salary or vacations until you are offered the job. During the interview try to show how you can contribute to the organization.
What is Focus on how you can Benefit the Company?
Add examples of successful assignments and team projects that you can use to demonstrate your skills and performances to your current employer.
What is Keep your Portfolio and Resume up to Date?
Many schools provide assessments to determine interests, traits, and self-understanding.
What is Take Classes or Workshops?
Whom can I share this with?
What is Teach?
-The next section of your portfolio is a year-by-year account of your ____________. It is a chronological record, or timeline. Resources to consult are family members, friends, photo albums and journals.
What is List of Significant Experiences?
Look the hiring manager in the eye and speak with confidence, interest and sincerity.
What is Maintain Comfortable Eye Contact?
The most important person you report to is the one you see in the mirror. Only you know what types of work keeps you motivated and makes you passionate about contributing day after day.
What is Be Your Own "Career Coach"?
Discuss possible majors with family, friends, instructors,other students and advisors. People who know you best may shed light on your unique abilities and talents.
What is Talk With Your Support System?
How does this work?
What is Observe?
SCANS lists important personal qualities for success in the workplace: responsibility, a positive attitude, dependability, self-esteem, sociability, integrity, and self-control. Your personal qualities will set you apart from others in the workplace.
What is Inventory of Personal Qualities?
The Internet makes researching employers easy, as most companies have a website, even if its just for information purposes.
What is Learn about the Company?
As the global economy grows and companies expand overseas, you may find exciting opportunities in other countries.
What is Look Over the Horizon?