How many planets are there?
How many stars are in the Milkyway?
200 billion
True or false: The Sun isn't a planet
True, It is a star.
What are comets made of?
Frozen Gases, rock, and dust.
True or false: Space makes you taller
Yes, there is no gravity to suppress your spine.
Name the 8 planets in order.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
What does nuclear fusion release?
What are the sun and the moon called?
Sun: Sol
Moon: Luna
What do comets orbit?
The Kuiper Belt
Name the 3 things that make up a Galaxy.
Stars, planets, and vast clouds of gas and dust.
What is Uranus and Neptune made of?
Water/ Ice
What are the large clouds of gas and dust called that stars form in?
Molecular Clouds
How old in the moon?
4.53 Billion years
What is a supernova?
It is an explosion of a star.
What Planet is the second brightest natural object in the sky? (besides the Moon)
How many layers is the earth split into? Bonus if you can name the layers.
4: Inner core, Outer core, crust, and mantle
How old is the milkyway?
13.6 billion years
How many robotic spacecrafts have been launched to explore the moon?
When was the last Supernova ( not on the slides so best guess around that time period).
Who was the first astronaut that went to space?
Yuri Gagarin
Why is Mars red?
Because of iron minerals in the Martian dirt oxidize, or rust.
What is in the middle of the milkyway?
A black hole
How hot is the sun? in celsius.
5,600 degrees celsius.
How does a Supernova occur?
A supernova occurs during the last evolutionary stages of a massive star, or when a white dwarf is triggered into runaway nuclear fusion.
Define Astrophysics (as best as you can)
the study of the physical and chemical structure of the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space.